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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. How good would the '15 Huskers be with Lance Jeter and JBD? Just thinking of some players of recent vintage. PG- Jete SG- TPett SF- SS PF- Walter C- JBD
  2. I thought this kid would be a stone cold gunner, and he and Walter would have 15 - 17 point nights ONCE in awhile to go along with the Big 2. That obviously hasn't happened, but what puzzles me is this. Why is a team that has such poor outside shooting so in love with the 3?
  3. Listen, I love TP. That's why I hate to see him act like a punk. He's BETTER than that. I wasn't trying to pile on, I just laid out the facts. Like Randy Moss said, " The truth hurts, that's why some people can't handle the truth".
  4. He's the Bell Cow and needs to act like it. Some of the stunts he pulled last night are inexcusable. I was hoping Miles would park his a** on the bench long enough to get his attention.
  5. Other than shoving a ref, shoving an opponent, and yelling at his coach, how do you think Terran played last night?
  6. I slept like a baby knowing our 20 pt. "Non-Blowout" streak is still intact.
  7. This whole "Little Engine That Could" & "Golly Gee" attitude taken towards Husker Basketball makes me want to scream. Slappin' yourself on the back for not getting blown out by 20 really doesn't need any further elaboration. To quote Tim Miles, "you get what you tolerate".
  8. Haven't taken the gaspipe yet, I just don't like the looks of things right now. Beat Wisconsin and I might come in off the ledge.
  9. Right now, and I want to stress that, he's a one dimensional player who's one dimension ain't that special.
  10. I see us play and I see our schedule and I think the question is valid. Could we win a few more? Sure, maybe Iowa, @ Illinois who knows. A few thoughts: - Why don't Petteway & Shields ever try to post up? - Forget about Pitchford's lack of a low post game, he doesn't have a mid-range game either. - T. Smith is a bright spot. - I didn't expect much from our 5s this year, but we get even less. Did this team fall in love with it's press clippings? I don't think so. But, I do think those early losses to Creighton & Incarnate Word rattled our psyche to the point that we've never really recovered.
  11. Moses and Leslie should be able to make some hay in this one, & we sure as hell need the W
  12. We need to quit falling into the trap of comparing this years' team with last years' just because MOST of the players are the same. Each season is a different proposition. Different personality, variables and numerous other dynamics. I fall back on the "Eyeball" test, does this team look like it can rattle off 5-6 wins in a row? I don't think so. Hope I'm wrong, but our inconsistent play hangs on us like a stink.
  13. We need to stop Andre Hollins and let Mo Walker handle the ball as much as he wants and we'll be in good shape.
  14. Having greater talent and depth doesn't DEMAND we play a more up tempo style, but it will provide us with a greater flexibility than what we have now. We are at a very fluid point in the history of Husker Basketball as far as defining who we want to be as a program. I think Coach Miles recognizes that.
  15. What is it we're clinging to again? I'm ready for a shift in paradigms, platitudes you name it...
  16. I know it's cliche' & possibly against the Miles philosophy, but I would LOVE to see an Arkansas circa '94 "40 minutes of Hell" type of rotation. If our incoming talent is as good as advertised (it usually isn't) then this scenario doesn't seem out of the question. I'm old enough to remember when hanging a 100 on somebody wasn't that rare.
  17. Instead of GATA how bout Get Off of Yer Ass?
  18. There will be a gathering of Husker fans/alums @ BW3 Stadium Village from 3 - 5 on Sat. Feel free to stop by and join in the revelry, celebrate the Good Life, and mock all things golden and gopher like.
  19. Doubtful we'll ever play a Michigan team that bad again, and as Coach Mora said, "Our performance was Horsesh*t".
  20. This team pouts and has a shi**y attitude when things don't go their way (aka Missed Shots). This is a quality that will doom the season and relegate us to also ran status.
  21. THIS looks like the Husker team I've been waiting all season to see...... Keep it rollin' boys, now it's on to MI & MN!
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