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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. Spent the day listening to how the Moos “issue” isn’t a thing, & Miles is DONE. As hollow as it feels right now, most of us have endured the 10 & 12 win seasons so now is when you bow the neck & “Man Up”. I refuse to just sleepwalk through the rest of the season & assume all is lost.
  2. Bob Devaney could get away with being a big drunk, Moos can’t...
  3. Q: What’s the difference between a Catfish & a woman from Wisconsin? A: One of them has whiskers & smells like a fish, & one of them IS a fish...
  4. My Dad was the Boxing Coach in Superior for 20 years, & won three State Titles in a row against Lincoln/Omaha all comers... what you say rings true. This will all sort itself out one way or another.
  5. He was such a “rock” on both ends of the court... forget the stat sheet, he brought an attitude to this team that we sorely lack.
  6. This is what happens when you have a “Rock Bottom” post...
  7. Well if this team wants to “Special” losing one of you’re best players and making a run in the Tournament would certainly put you in some rarefied air. Either you fold yer hand or push in the chips... I guess we’ll find out.
  8. Losing when you play well is part of the game. What’s so maddening is we hardly ever play well. No Center, no bench, no “killer instinct” yada yada yada... We’re BETTER than this, that’s why it sucks.
  9. I’m blaming it on Barry Collier...
  10. If you want to be taken seriously as a Basketball team, this was a game you HAD to win. Period.
  11. Now if we could just get Jay Randolph on the mic... Big 8 era!
  12. We can debate whether or not Tim has done a “great” job here in Lincoln, but I for one want to stay off the “fire the Coach” carousel...
  13. Hey, I never said they weren’t any good. I just said I’ve seen better play at the PBA & I’ll stand by that. And if you’ll recall, it wasn’t like they ran us off the Court, & we WILL get another crack at ‘em!
  14. Wait... What?!? We're going to qualify for the B1G Tournament? I thought the Rutger's loss was an automatic DQ...
  15. They took care of Iowa on the road tonight, and it looks like Michigan has come back down to earth. We need to rattle off 3 wins & get back in the mix for a Top 4 finish.
  16. ESPN’s very own Jay Bilas has us at #22 even after the loss to Rutgers. He has MSU at #4 & MI at 5. Iowa, Wisconsin & Minnesota fall in behind us. This team needs to get back on the Court & remind itself just how good it can be...
  17. Not a brothel, look it up on the inter web. Your “snuggle” buddy could be of either gender ( not that there’s anything wrong with that) & isn’t necessarily of a sexual nature...
  18. I didn’t mean sign him long term tomorrow, I meant at the end of the season. A season that still has a chance to be very successful, but I wouldn’t base that “success” entirely on winning a Tournament game or not.
  19. Winning cures all ills... no one ever bitched about the Devaney when we went to 4 straight NCAA Tourneys. Conversely, if you think facilities/money translate directly to success, well the examples to the contrary are too numerous to mention. Let's sign Tim up long term, and quit wetting our finger to see which way the wind blows.
  20. One of my favorite watering holes in Mpls is called "Cliff n Norms" look it up. Right across the parking lot is "Mr Steven's Snuggery" where for a $37.00 cover you can "snuggle" with strangers on Friday or Saturday nights with the benefits of an open bar. I s**t you not...
  21. Speaking of Goldy the Gopher, they were blown out in Champaign, beat Penn St by a point, and came within a buzzer beater of Michigan last night. So who knows which squad will show up in Lincoln. I know the local scribes are calling for young Richard's head, and I don't think an NIT bid will save his position. As for my Conference prediction, we'd have to go a blistering 11-1 down the stretch to hit what I thought was a reasonable number...
  22. 10-11 led the Sports with Kearney’s QB walking on for the Huskers. Thank God we finally have some depth behind Martinez & Vedral, I’ll sleep like a baby tonight...
  23. I meant “quickly” as in last week to this week. Is Indiana a Top 25 team? Probably not, but they WERE when we beat them in Bloomington. My point is, this team isn’t as “good” or “bad” as their best/worst performance. Now is not the time to take the gas pipe...
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