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Dead Dog Alley

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Dead Dog Alley last won the day on November 9 2024

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  1. I'm a solid no on this one, I don't care for it one bit. If that's the direction, though, go with the live action version.
  2. When you're the worst major college program in history, your soul is going for bargain basement rates
  3. This guy has Iowa written all over him
  4. Once they become employees, by what logic or legal standard do you limit them to four years of eligibility, or impose academic requirements.
  5. Why we were running that same defense up 6 in OT, when the only chance of losing was to give up some 3s, is a legitimate question.
  6. 26 years since I got booted from a game at Devaney for yelling at Doug Gottlieb. We've pretty much sucked since then.
  7. Dix will come in here and try to take over the town
  8. To be fair, his fast food bill is probably sky high so he needs that money
  9. We might not lose another big ten tournament game this decade. Because we might not ever fucking make one.
  10. That was an absolutely pathetic excuse for a basketball team that I just witnessed for the first half. Fucking pitiful.
  11. Next time we trail at halftime Fred should come out with his head bandaged up.
  12. Should have been 9 except for the giant turd they put on the floor out in Boulder that year.
  13. Brice is 15 months older than Bryce, yet Brice's final year of college is three years after Bryce's. It will be interesting if Brice ever gets to match up against Bryce in the future.
  14. I'm assuming his brother Abdi is going to cash out in the portal this year.
  15. Feel free to use that to your heart's desire
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