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Dead Dog Alley

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Dead Dog Alley last won the day on November 9 2024

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  1. Should have been 9 except for the giant turd they put on the floor out in Boulder that year.
  2. Brice is 15 months older than Bryce, yet Brice's final year of college is three years after Bryce's. It will be interesting if Brice ever gets to match up against Bryce in the future.
  3. I'm assuming his brother Abdi is going to cash out in the portal this year.
  4. Feel free to use that to your heart's desire
  5. I don't know that quick healing has any correlation with being young when it comes to sprained ankles. My first ankle sprain came after I tried to block a 5'3", 220 pound linebacker who threw me to the ground like a rag doll whereupon someone stepped on my foot and turned it almost 90 degrees. (Yes, 5'3", 220, he was also their point guard in basketball, the toughest MFer I'd ever seen, if he'd been 6 foot tall he would be in the NFL hall of fame.) So that hurt worse than anything I'd felt in my life up to that point. My second sprained ankle came about two minutes later, because for some stupid reason I got up and kept playing. The teams other linebacker tossed me to the ground like a rag doll and then someone fell on the same foot when it did turn 90 degrees. I didn't learn my lesson because I kept playing until halftime; luckily it didn't happen again. It was then swelled up for about the next two years. Now, years later, I can step in a hole, fall to the ground and wrench an ankle just as bad, and will be walking around fine in a couple of minutes. Apparently after you've sprained each one over a hundred times, that's what happens.
  6. Cipsucks should do a contest, with the question being what was the license plate number on Rich King's Firebird. (If you were on campus at the time, you should know it, he drove that thing around a hell of a lot.)
  7. Would Nebraska have beaten Creighton without him?
  8. At the end of the 2021-2022 season, with a team that went into that stretch with a 7-21 record, and a coach that had at the time a 6-50 record in Big Ten play, this happened:
  9. I briefly woke up with about 3 minutes to go in the half and Washington was on their way to 100, with a 47-34 lead. So, I shut the TV off because I knew right then the season was over. I don't even care enough anymore to look up the final score.
  10. That's just their way of keeping it even
  11. Someone actually hired these officials? And willingly pays them?
  12. How long can you go where you consistently get completely fucked by the officiating, before you say this ain't worth worrying about? I think I'm passed that point.
  13. USC is 6-50, in fouls called vs fouls actually committed
  14. My contest idea: who can identify the starting lineup of Hampton's 1978 team.
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