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Everything posted by HB

  1. MOJO comes through. Needed that. Also a single and great bare-handed putout by Cronenbold to atone for his error.
  2. Well, he's running out of excuses. Final Four over and now spring football.
  3. Miss the days when we were an opportunistic team. Don't get the key hit or the key out much.
  4. Khiry Thomas is pretty damn good
  5. Yep. The end of the world as we know it
  6. There's that play on words again!
  7. HB

    Kaylee Page

    Romeo involved a coaching change, and illness in the family. White involved the scandal at Illinois. But you're right, with the NCAA, who knows anymore.
  8. Because Shawn worships him. And has incorporated "Stay Positive" in his tagline on all correspondence. Perhaps he's paying Mr. Gordon royalites.
  9. HB

    Kaylee Page

    Maybe I am not understanding the post, but if she transfers to a DI school, she has to sit out next year (even out of conference). Absent a really bizarre NCAA waiver ruling, any "hope she could play next year" would be misplaced.
  10. HB

    Kaylee Page

    She was injured, but I don't see a scenario where she would get it back due to transfer. She could get a 6th year if she has another major injury. I just doubt too many good teams will be interested in someone who sits out a year to play 2.
  11. HB

    Kaylee Page

    Problem is she red shirted already at K-State. Not sure she will want ot sit out 2 years of 5. So DII may be the answer.
  12. Latest rumors focus on Boehm. We'll see. The New Mexico rumors are dead so we have to move to the next one.
  13. Love the folks who think this was news. We said it 5 days ago on here. Atlanta burns while Shawn remains mute. When he remained silent after Barfy's article it was over; every man for himself after that. Hell, I do indecisive shit like Shawn all the time, but I ain't making 1.1.
  14. All u gotta do is have one drink at Gate after the game. Just one. And then u cruise right out of the garages or lots.
  15. Agree. Pulling for Tai, and his parents who encouraged him to perservere. And I hope it happens for the non-millennials, non post-modernists, and non moral relativists.
  16. We didn't engage in post-modernism at our house. Had plenty of "old-school", however. Seems to work.
  17. They don't have to be mutually exclusive. To comment on millennial issues and transfer epidemics across our land isn't saying Miles is blameworthy or has done a great job. And having a strong desire to see him gone would't require kids and parents to be blameless. Everything doesn't have to be about taking sides.
  18. What is ironic is that MJ was the loudest critic of White last year after he transferred.
  19. If that's true that tells you the nature of the problem. If Miles hadn't told him to stop shooting 3s he wouldn't be a basketball coach. That's the whole point of coaching. If we need to just let guys do what they want to do, even if you suck at it, just go play at the rec center. Give me a break.
  20. Not just a Husker fan. Fans of 18-22 year olds who only care about their perceived self interest. Transfer epidemic everywhere. Team is no more. Paying to watch individuals always wanting to get there's. Probably going to do that less in the future, and with less zeal.
  21. Hooper has it. Out.
  22. Actually, I don't think the crying time is over. I suspect there will be a renewed burst over the next few hours.
  23. Was that a play on words, CWG?
  24. I like both kinds of music, country and western.
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