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  1. As soon as I got through all the Dutch oven memes on Ohio State's final score post on X, almost every post was some form of "fire Holtmann"
  2. Most of this has been focused on his offense (which has been great, to be sure), but I feel like his defense has also improved since last year. He feels like a lot less of a liability out there. He's got a big enough body to really fit in well with the scheme and has been part of some of the runs where we've clamped down. Would be interested in other's thoughts on this as I know a lot of you see way more of what's happening than I do. Now we just need Eli Rice to take a page out of that playbook and earn himself some more minutes.
  3. I think I’m having a tougher time judging this team because it’s different than most of the past Nebraska teams I’m used to watching. We seem to usually pull away in games like this mid- to late second half but this team is up by twenty at half time both games so far. I wonder if that contributes to some of the “issues” that come up. Are we trying some different things to see what works? We obviously have some major pieces out right now so I’m hoping that things are in a sort of sandbox mode right now and the best is still yet to come. Overall I think we’re doing what we should be doing so I’m happy.
  4. Agree that Hoiberg needs to be higher. He is on the court because of things that can't be measured.
  5. Well then here's to making ourselves a bigger fish this year!
  6. I don't know a lot about Cale but I've always imagined him to be very Ryan Anderson-esque. Maybe a little more of a true guard type and a lot less of a musician.
  7. This is the reason that Sam has a big edge over Jacobson in terms of seeing the floor this year. Sam proving himself last year makes the leash much shorter for all the other guards.
  8. Agreed. I think the big differentiator will be who shots the long ball better. That will determine who is starting at the end of the year.
  9. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9c/1c/22/9c1c2280ea5c94c1a5508a3a8fa411e2.jpg I always think of this one [emoji23]
  10. Are there any videos floating around out there from the other night? I can't find anything outside what was posted to @huskermbb x account.
  11. Totally agree. Curious what you would attribute his growth to? I didn't think he showed much in his limited opportunities early in the year but I was totally sold on him by the end. I just glanced through some old rosters to see if anyone stuck out as taking as big of a jump as JL and Sam Hoiberg did and the only person was maybe Thor. And that could probably be attributed to system as much as development.
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