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Everything posted by royalfan

  1. I did, but it seems you didn't, or don't have a very good eye for what you are watching. He was tremendous down the stretch last year. You would have to be biased or a very bad basketball evaluator to think otherwise. And anyone that is saying Andre could do what he was doing, certainly cannot be taken seriously any longer in a reasonable discussion about basketball. That is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard on here.
  2. The kid is from Omaha, recruited from Nebraska, and went to Louisville. I don't understand anyone's rational who thinks he would want to come back when he already had the chance to be here. You don't see the logic behind a kid going a long ways from home, deciding he wants to play closer to home, and then coming home to do that? Seems like it is fairly straight forward logic and happens a lot.
  3. agree on team, but not on him. He was sensational down the stretch last year.
  4. Has anyone followed him on twitter or anything since he made the call to go there? Just curious if he has said anything that indicates he likes or dislikes it there.
  5. The writing appears to be on the wall. That marriage does not seem likely to work out.
  6. Looks like the moderators finally opted to put that thread to bed. 63 pages of those idiots being more worried about Nebraska athletics than their own program. You don't check for a few days and miss 20 more pages of obsession. Like a train wreck you just cannot help not watching. Even the Creighton folks realize Double Douche is a douche. Never seen so many elitist pricks turn on each other in one thread. Was quite the meltdown. Even plastering videos of each other making asses of themselves and what not. Would have gone on forever. It was proof that they care far more about us than their own ballclub. Hardly any basketball discussion over there. But 63 pages of little brother syndrome.
  7. I am a firm believer in using some sort of pressure in tough environments to help get us engaged in the game. Like in Omaha for example. I believe pressure out of the gates for a little while, even if not full fledged pressure can help get us engaged. Take the fight to them instead of predictably playing on our heels against an experienced team.
  8. The whole student and sports dynamic has changed a lot since my time there. Granted there were not cell phones and what not back then to distract us. But even at football games it is mind boggling how uninvolved and uninterested students are now compared to the days of yesteryear. Basketball, unfortunately not likely to be different unless we get good.
  9. Nitpicking but we are taking too many fairly long two point shots for my taste. That is what we need to avoid doing and try to make them do. I much prefer taking open 3's or attacking the rim.
  10. Double douche coming especially unhinged. Hard to belive that douche ran for school board. Sad state of affairs if people like him are in charge of anything. The embarrassment has not even reached the same stratosphere as what has happened "over there".
  11. Wow, those psychos have a 47 page thread going, all because of the little brother syndrome they have. All the meltdowns over there are quite entertaining. You talk about being obsessed with Nebraska. Wow. There are truly some of them that hate Nebraska more than they even like Creighton. Quite the fanbase.
  12. Gibbs is just a dirty asshole. He is still a pussy, but he is a cheapshot artist. Thinks he is so damn important. But he isn't. No team with him playing that much is ever going far in a dance. Simply not a good enough athlete for NCAA tourney ball and a big reason they have struggled in the tourney. Being dirty is a far cry from being tough. They are a very soft team and this won't change by trying the tough guy act. I will love it when someone wipes that shit eating grin off his face for good. I would love to play this ahole in a pickup game. I am very equipped to play that kind of game and he would not like me very much when it was over, I can guarantee you that.
  13. About 4-7 percent chance of getting in without winning the tourney and about a 2 percent chance of winning tourney. I would put it at about 6-9 percent.
  14. Rest assured if I ever see Gibbs in Omaha out and about, there will be a verbal altercation in hopes of baiting that douche into taking the first swing.
  15. Going to be some cats on suicide watch when we start taking over this series. I think some of those morons hate Nebraska more than they like Creighton. Nebraskans worried about their little ones saying Go Big Red is somewhat psychotic in a football state, as is having your daughter(and yoursefl) dream about having your picture taken with a big red inflatable hick. Sounds very creepy to me. Some strange folks over in those parts. Obviously wearing a sweater vest is not all that it would seem. And to think these are the types of people that school produces makes one cringe. The normal Creighton fans I know did not go to school there. Seems to have had an adverse affect on the hoops crowd that graduated there.
  16. Wragge is a statue. He averages 1 free throw attempt per game this season. If we have issues with whoever is guarding him picking up fouls, then we have huge issues. No he isn't. Just ask our former Creighton friend here. He says Pitchford and Wragge have similar skills. I haven't personally seen Wragge be athletic, but if they say so it is true. He has a Creighton education and I am just a lowly NU business school grad.
  17. Garrett was much shorter than Wragge. Not that it matters that much as I think Rey could guard Wragge if we so choose, but Garrett was about 6'3 or so I am pretty sure. Was a nice player.
  18. That is what is the best way to win IMO. What you don't want to be doing are taking 2 point jump shots.
  19. Granted, Cip didn't cook them for us, but holy smokes are his steaks unbelievable. Wonder if those are what he is using at his new place.
  20. Problem is Pitchford still one of our few capable rim protectors. I think and hope he is better than he has shown. But leaving him out on Wragge could waste that skill set. It is a tricky thing to figure out how to best proceed. Maybe that is the right answer anyway.
  21. Now we all think we are going to become a basketball powerhouse starting next year. Just ask resident numnuts JaysFinal4. Speaking of delusional. How about that name.
  22. The thing is it wasn't that idiotic. But Doug is obviously the best player in a landslide. We aren't delusional enough to deny it. But they are delusional enough to deny the fact they have a program that is facing some hard times in the near future. Not a great coach, not great recruiters, not a hotbed of talent in these parts, and not the Big East as we know it. But we are the delusional ones Husker fans. Not them.
  23. We have a chance to be pretty good by the time everyone understands what they are supposed to do to make the sum as good as our parts. Saw a lot of improvement towards that end goal tonight. The result doesn't even matter as much as the fact I think we saw a more unified front.
  24. You have never been more correct on anything. That was a huge sequence of events. Edit. He has been equally correct a ton.
  25. Easy Dave. They have better recruiting going on there than us. Just ask this WestOJay idiot. Making fellow West Omaha folks like myself look like idiots in the process it so ridiculous.
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