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Everything posted by colhusker

  1. He is claiming he sent them to Nebraska
  2. Sorry there is a thread on the Scout board and he is hammering Miles about not recruiting him and how Miles headed to New Zealand the first day on the job. Just wanted to get the story.
  3. Did we even talk with him after he left Louisville or did Miles tell him at that point you didn't come to start we are not a fall back place?
  4. I really hope that Miles takes a long hard look at how he is handling the team after losing what he lost this year. Not blaming him as it sounds like it was a case of one kid thinking he is something he's not at this point and in the long run he and another wanted something they were not going to get given the roster. John Cook did this a few years back and has said it worked wonders.
  5. Jacob No you don't have to love a team to cover them. No most don't want all things homerish when someone does cover a team. Then again, I don't want all things anti Huskers when someone is covering them (see Dirk at the OWH). No one here is telling you who you can cheer for, nor should they. You want to like Creighton, have at it. Don't expect me to. As CWG pointed out, what they have done in basketball of late is good. That said, if they lost every game next year that would not be enough for me. I think the issue here is when folks come here and want to talk Creighton on a Nebraska board. Disagree that Creighton fans hate Jayskers, most of them ARE Jayskers. Finally, Creighton does have a football team, just the silly kind that doesn't allow use of the hands.
  6. "Louisville, North Carolina, Nebraska, Miami, Connecticut, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech, are the schools recruiting. It appears that North Carolina got ahead of the Blue Jays, been on him since his 8th grade.
  7. Got to see Hughes several times this past year. Seems like a kid that when on can shoot it with the best of them. His decision making was very suspect at times too, big reason his numbers at MU were not better. No idea why his left Missouri, guessing just the coaching change but agree he would be worth at least a look.
  8. Figured we had faded based on the radio silence. Can understand his pick.
  9. Why Frankie Hughes, not saying no, just want to hear your reasoning. And I just looked up Zylan Cheatham and he is ASU bound.
  10. Didn't know he was there, kind of cool.
  11. If we are in the same boat in a year from now I might start having doubts about Williams. However, if will take her a couple years to fix what Eichorst damaged badly.
  12. Now THAT was funny.
  13. That's what she said?
  14. Sounds as if the younger Porter is going to reclassify and join Michael JR at Missouri next year. Just you average run of the mill 5 star player. Man what one assistant coach hire will do for a team.
  15. I am sticking with Jennifer Anniston and Sandra Bullocks! - I hope Miles gets another big (pipe dream at this point) and another shooting guard.
  16. Add that help defense HAS to get better too. To many times a guy last year got beat off dribble and the next guy in line never stepped in allowing a layup or the second person was late. Hoping Jordy and Okeke step in at the proper time to not allow the pass to their guy.
  17. Well that's true too.
  18. I like the gets Jordy the back up we needed.
  19. More good news to come?
  20. My condolences to you and your family Silver.
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