No you don't have to love a team to cover them. No most don't want all things homerish when someone does cover a team. Then again, I don't want all things anti Huskers when someone is covering them (see Dirk at the OWH).
No one here is telling you who you can cheer for, nor should they. You want to like Creighton, have at it. Don't expect me to. As CWG pointed out, what they have done in basketball of late is good. That said, if they lost every game next year that would not be enough for me. I think the issue here is when folks come here and want to talk Creighton on a Nebraska board.
Disagree that Creighton fans hate Jayskers, most of them ARE Jayskers.
Finally, Creighton does have a football team, just the silly kind that doesn't allow use of the hands.