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Everything posted by colhusker

  1. Did it come from a gas pump? Asking for a friend.
  2. Agree CWG, I was just about ready to post Ann Murray's song about good news again.
  3. Is THIS the weekend? Sorry was bored at work.
  4. Sam he has a lot of work to do to retool his game to be a wing at the college level. He was as bad defensively in space as Horne was. His shooting range was about 5 feet in and ball handling reminded me of Andrew White's.
  5. Maybe but while I admit he had a lot of work to do, it had to be frustrating watching others make mistakes and stay on floor knowing if you mess up you were getting yanked and yelled at.
  6. Ahhh I remember "The miracle on vine" - Ball to Samelson, to Copple
  7. I assume Cip recruited him? One of the older guys here might know this.
  8. Was Mike Heck 7 foot? Oops just realized he was a bluebird.
  9. Need to get any kid in the state that is worthy of a Div 1 ship. That said, don't take kids just to fill an in-state quota.
  10. That's what she said!
  11. Yeah well, count me out! I get all I need here! Well at least when it comes to basketball.
  12. Thanks Navin - we really could use some good news and this appears to be a step in that direction.
  13. Any update on his visit?
  14. Happy Easter to all
  15. Did you just a salt us? You post was well thought out and spot on.
  16. It was about the third time after one trip up and down floor that he missed an assignment and got yanked and yelled at I knew he was done. Had to be hard to watch others mess up and stay on floor.
  17. It was clear Horne was not happy mid-season. Think I made reference then, then again I can't remember what I had for lunch so I might have just thought about it. Oh look something shiny!
  18. Think now that there is no expectation of him coming in and being the shooter we so needed that Gill relaxes and makes more shots next year!
  19. That was second grade for me.
  20. That would be nice!
  21. Yes he is, but 1 or 2 kids does not equal of ton.
  22. Do tell
  23. I hope we have a surprise or two on this list. We need bodies.
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