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Everything posted by Huskerpapa

  1. Fully anticipated. Now we wait.
  2. Me too. Severity is the key. But even conservatively, it should be healed within 6 months. Recovery from a high ankle sprain, often caused in football when a player plants a foot on the ground before an extreme outward twist of the foot, can take 4-6 weeks. Severe high ankle sprains can take up to six months and might require surgery. https://hartfordhospital.org › services Ankle Sprain | Hartford Hospital
  3. My kids wnt to private schools, which were paid for by me (my choice). But I also paid taxes that in part funded public schools. My tax dollars also go to other items that I may not fully support. This is likely the same for nearly every tax payer in this fine country. Point being, to simply isolate high school athletics because not everyone partakes seems narrow minded. By the way, many kids are also involved in other extra-curricular activities such as band, theater, speech, et al. So if one extra-curricular activity is cut, do you cut them all? We simply go back to the 3 R's and call it good?
  4. Blaise had a lower body injury two years ago and a high ankle sprang this past December. Bluntly, he should be fully recovered now. Blaise is a big man with an unhealthy background. He will soon be here one full year and under the guidance of nutrition, strength, flexibility and skill experts. If he is not 100% healthy at this point I will be disappointed.
  5. You'd think we could have gotten him some husker gear rather than the New Mexico jacket
  6. Just a hunch...nothing more...I think we will hear good news this week. I am hoping x's 2 or maybe 3.
  7. Cazzie, I'm not certain I buy that argument today vs 20 years ago. Many of the smaller public schools have consolidated and many of those schools draw from a broader range than the parochial schools. I would agree that 20 years ago that issue was often present. But, even then, if they drew a significant number of students from afar, they would move up a class or two.
  8. I guess I understand that all extra-curricular activities are fading away in certain urban environments. Funding seems to be at the core of the problem. AAU and similar type programs then become a necessary evil. But my issue has always been that AAU programs have always been about me, me, me; while high school programs tend to be about team, school and community. So I continue to hope and pray that high school ball will always exist in Nebraska.
  9. His son https://journalstar.com/sports/high-school/track-and-field/easts-gabe-miles-digs-deep-for-dramatic-harold-scott-win-williams-triumphs-for-host-links/article_897eb3d0-dfae-11ed-bcf4-77c3df0116cc.html#tncms-source=login
  10. We sort of knew this was going to happen.
  11. Yeah, the players do all have evauations completed at years end. They likely have them throughout the year as well. They are typically quite specific and sometimes not what a player wants to hear. It topically includes foreseeable role and items that need to be refined or overhauled. The problem these days is that each player also has their own evaluators and hanger-ons that may be telling him something completely different. Some players are much more coachable then others. In short, some players don't like or want the role being planned for them, some players don't feel they need to improve in the areas identified, so some players leave on their own. Sometimes it is at the prodding of their coaches or their hangers-on...butI do believe that there are certain players who are asked to move on.
  12. Thank you! The offense that Fred runs really is not reliant upon the traditional point guard. We leverage (at times) a primary ball handler. Last year it was generally Sam G. Shoot, if you look at our current roster going into next season, pretty much anyone other than Blaise can initiate our offense. Again, who brings the ball into the front court is open to game situations.
  13. Metal spikes with metal bats with metal light standards and metal dugouts...and lightning. Baseball and lightning do not mix well.
  14. Wowser, never heard that said before. I guess I am surprised. I've seen this guy's hanging out and didn't know that drama existed last season.
  15. Hmm, not entirely sure; however, I do believe Kennedi and other kids who have parents that are employees of the university system (Sam Hoiberg for example)can attend UNL free or highly discounted. Not sure how it works or if it does work in this instance. Just saying it seems possible: Dependent Scholarship Program Pursuant to Section 3.7 of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, all University of Nebraska employees who meet the Employee Scholarship Program employment eligibility conditions may elect to transfer all or part of their employee scholarship benefit to their spouse or to their dependent children. The following provisions shall apply to the Dependent Scholarship Program: Definitions Eligibility All regular full-time (1.00 F.T.E.) employees of the University who meet the employment eligibility requirements of the Employee Scholarship Program may transfer up to a total of fifteen (15) credit hours per year (August through July) to their spouse or to any dependent child at tuition equal to the University's resident tuition charge per semester credit hour at the campus of attendance. The Dependent Scholarship Program is only available to an employee's spouse or any dependent child who is an admitted student of a University of Nebraska campus and who has met all normal academic requirements for the course(s) taken. Full-time student enrollment status is required for a dependent child to be eligible, but not for a spouse. An affidavit will be required to document the status of dependent children. The University reserves the right to request copies of tax returns and or other supporting documentation
  16. Actually suspended, meaning they finish it at a later time.
  17. She was considering three other good teams. This looks like a good get. https://share.newsbreak.com/3m2i8jbt
  18. Yikes...the new crime to be worried about.
  19. How long do we go before rain hits???
  20. Looks like one player on our team won't be hoisting a ton of 3's...
  21. The surprise to me is the timing. Tells me that we now have a better option on the horizon. Feels like this may have been a forced decision, so to speak.
  22. Kind of sucks. Never really saw what he can do. Well...I wish him well. This does add another valuable scholarship for a roster upgrade.
  23. You have to watch this all the way; but it does provide a short view of her quickness and talent. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.montanasports.com/sports/big-sky-conference/montana-state-bobcats/boise-native-darian-white-helps-montana-state-bobcats-outlast-northern-colorado&ved=2ahUKEwjRwKnzn7T-AhXokWoFHQhhDYAQo7QBegQIBhAB&usg=AOvVaw0ENppzdcojWGEqHa6iC3r7
  24. https://huskerextra.com/tncms/asset/editorial/1bc3acae-de0c-11ed-a076-6799003ee07e/ https://www.1011now.com/2023/04/18/huskers-add-grad-transfer-darian-white/
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