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Everything posted by uneblinstu

  1. I'd expect it to be someone off our radar with significant recruiting ties.
  2. This shouldn't be a big surprise. Good for Smith, hope he does well there!
  3. Noooooooooo, Now we have no body to hate on tOSU. Something tells me, they'll find a replacement.
  4. Walter's got the most potential of any player on the team. He's just scratched the surface of how good he can be. To be 6' 10" and shoot at the level he does is a serious weapon not many teams have. He needs to get stronger and better defensively, he'd tell you that, too, I bet, but dude might be the most talented player on the team, IMO. Just needs to keep refining it.
  5. It's a guards game. Get a rock solid point guard, whether that's a transfer or Smith or Webster develops over the course of the season, point guard play is the biggest need on this team. Post depth is right behind it. It would be nice to be able to play more than one big at a time. I though Pitchford improved greatly from game one to the end of the season as a rebounder, but he needs to improve his post defense. I don't mind him playing on the perimeter if we can have another post that can play in the paint, but it'd be huge if he could develop that area too, but that's secondary to me. None of this is groundbreaking.
  6. We've been saying that about Creighton after every star has left the program since Buford. They've earned the benefit of the doubt that they'll be relevant in the future. They'll take a step back next year because that's what happens when you lose the player of the year and three other seniors, but they've been good for long enough that we can't just say this is the last year they'll be relevant in a long time.
  7. Concerned? No. It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if he did so. I'm not sold he will ever be a Big Ten type player we need. This year, he was absolute disappointing. It's hard to look at his game logs. Over hyped is putting it lightly. So no, not concerned. But I have heard rumors he wouldn't make it past this year. I've heard the exact opposite.
  8. What a disappointing to end a terrific year. - The Baylor zone did give the Huskers trouble as they got away from driving at times. - It looked like nerves and frustration did the Huskers in early. They got plenty of open looks and just couldn't get them to fall. We're not a great shooting team, but we're not terrible, either. - Zero points for Pitchford was tough. Only time he had been held scoreless other than the game vs. Michigan in Lincoln. - I didn't mind the first technical, but the ref jumped to a huge conclusion on the second one and killed any chance the Huskers had of getting back into it. I was more upset about that than the foul disparity. - That said, there were fouls called on Nebraska that weren't called on Baylor...when Nebraska was aggressive. There were times when Nebraska settled for jumpers, which isn't conducive to racking up fouls. When they did drive it, they did get fouls called on Baylor, they just didn't do it enough. - For all that didn't go right today, this was an unbelievable year. I'll remember it fondly for so many reasons for a very long time. Don't let this game spoil that.
  9. I had Dayton, that was an easy upset to pick. I had Colorado, though, so it still didn't last very long.
  10. So, the Manhattan coach learned under Pitino and run the exact system. And the committee doesn't know this stuff and just happens to pair them against each other? C'mon.
  11. Dayton should have been an easy upset pick.
  12. Wow, HAHAHAHAHAHAkeyes.
  13. Reading into this that the first visit is to Indiana.
  14. Watching it makes me think we see them as locked in as we have all year on Friday.
  15. Both men and women get San Antonio? Nice Yeah, but good luck finding a ticket for the Husker women's game in San Antonio. They might be hard to find. In San Antonio. They have the internet in San Antonio, don't they? Sure. Absolutely. They have the internet in San Antonio. But they don't have a Husker women's game. I'm just saying, that if you have the internet in San Antonio, you could find a ticket no problem. You'd have to get to LA, too, but you could find a ticket.
  16. I mean, there's really no way to project it until we know who wins. I'd imagine we'll know shortly after the games end on Friday, which probably isn't helpful, but it's impossible to guess with any level of certainty at this point.
  17. This is the first place I saw it on Sunday evening:
  18. Both men and women get San Antonio? Nice Yeah, but good luck finding a ticket for the Husker women's game in San Antonio. They might be hard to find. In San Antonio. They have the internet in San Antonio, don't they?
  19. No, no they haven't. This is Creighton's best team since in the current era of Bluejay hoops (Altman to present day). Creighton has never had what they haver right now and may never again. This is the gold standard at Creighton and will be for some time. Which isn't to say they won't be good, they very well may continue to be good or even very good, but it's unlikely they'll see this level of a team anytime soon. Just FYI, if you re-read it, he said "much better teams" than CU have succumbed to the pressure, not "much better CU teams"...I think we all can agree this is the best CU team ever. sigh...dang it.
  20. No, no they haven't. This is Creighton's best team since in the current era of Bluejay hoops (Altman to present day). Creighton has never had what they haver right now and may never again. This is the gold standard at Creighton and will be for some time. Which isn't to say they won't be good, they very well may continue to be good or even very good, but it's unlikely they'll see this level of a team anytime soon.
  21. Enter Here: http://y.ahoo.it/ZlhM82do What's on the line? I have no idea. I'll leave that up to Dimes.
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