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Everything posted by atskooc

  1. He might not do anything more than Vooch did, bug I bet he's still better.
  2. I bet he's better than Vooch.
  3. Yeah, that was a great read!
  4. I'm always amazed at how long his arms are. He's 6'7", but after he dunks with his arms extended he hardly has to travel any distance to get back on the floor. It's like he's touching the rim on his tippy-toes (I know he isn't doing this, but it almost looks like he is). Me. Want.
  5. Make It Happen
  6. Yeah, if we don't get him with that set up, then we never had a chance with him.
  7. Is Morrow visiting Iowa this weekend? Is Jacobson going on this trip to help recruit Morrow for us?
  8. Can't say I expected to encounter a pronoun-antecedent reference on the board today.
  9. Is she hot?
  10. Won't this be Parker's senior year? Or is he just a junior this year? edit: Just checked...and he'll only be a junior this year. Man, it seems like we've been talking about him for a lot longer than that.
  11. Verbal. He hasn't signed anything yet.But I love to see those numbers!
  12. Why would you waste energy wondering something like that?
  13. Kick ass!
  14. I hope they get eliminated as soon as possible, and that Tai plays out of his mind fantastic!
  15. It's just Moses Abraham. Strike Ayegba from your memories.I know...I was just trying to explain the "AA" in the previous comment.
  16. And I think that might have been the oddest sentence I've ever seriously written.
  17. I think it's Abraham, as in Aygeba Abraham...though his name is Moses.
  18. Poor man's Robert Horre.
  19. I read the article and I really disagree with what was said regarding Terran Petteway's NBA draft stock. It basically said that TP will be hurt by the fact that he plays for Nebraska, a team with no good basketball history. The writer said that 'NBA GMs have biases and will look the other way, dismissing what TP has done because he did it at Nebraska. I actually think just the opposite would happen. You have Nebraska coming out of nowhere, taking the nation by storm, and a great deal of the success can be attributed directly to TP. I thought his assessment was weak as well, especially as he had Shavon on the honorable mention list. If being a Husker hurts TP, then what would it do to Shavon?
  20. I don't think Toronto has much of a case here (at least not to my eyes). Those logos aren't all that similar (and what is similar is more to do with a blue jay looking like a blue jay). Heck, K-State's Powercat is closer to Iowa's Hawkeye in design than the two logos in question here. Of course, I don't know a thing about copyright law, so I could be horribly wrong. If this flies (Ha! Bird puns!), then Green Bay should sue the University of Georgia.
  21. He was here once or twice during the season.
  22. Getting press and getting drafted aren't even close to the same thing.
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