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Everything posted by jdw

  1. Pot meet kettle.
  2. If they jumped in from the side of one of the dual drive throughs I fully understand.
  3. If Bowen was going anywhere without being paid it would have been Michigan State. That Creighton though they had him locked up until the very end tells you call you need to know.
  4. If Nebraska a bad gotten the two best players in the state over the last 5 years how many tournament games would they have won.
  5. They're university employees what else can they say.
  6. Your reply should have been you can't even pay someone a $100,000 to go to that shit hole.
  7. First Altman now McDermott looks like we know how that program got turned around.
  8. Looks like we know why they thought they had him locked up.
  9. A comma is when you are unconscious; while a semicolon is when your doctor has small fingers.
  10. There was a highlight where he played defense so I am not sure I see the comparison. Is this where I put sarcasm.
  11. Why do they think finishing 3rd would be enough for us to get into the NCAA tournament.
  12. The drunk people are my favorite part, but dealing with them is not my job.
  13. I think he is a really good writer who deserves a promotion.
  14. Does anyone else hear this in their head when they read his name.
  15. Not if they win.
  16. He should be cals' coach and wear that every game.
  17. Because I feel like Nebraska basketball is capable of great things, and a little but like we are being pissed on.
  18. People think mood is a great ad. He was able get Frost to take the Nebraska job; which makes him better than Eichorst. If he screws basketball up he should be fired.
  19. Now the Miles extension pole topic makes sense.
  20. His relationships won't last long.
  21. I hate the Hurley family
  22. I would laugh if he got ring worm.
  23. While you guy's want a new center I want this one to come back.
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