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Everything posted by jdw

  1. Yes but you can't dead pan anything with a winky face.
  2. Sarcasm doesn't print well
  3. What are your hour's.
  4. Looking at that the less minutes the better.
  5. Sorry just saw the announcement.
  6. I can also no longer upvote.
  7. Why are my forum topics in blue letters on a husker board.
  8. Nebraska is 178 times the size of Martinique.
  9. We almost lost to Martinique. My bad it's soccer we almost tied.
  10. He is looking at all of theses soccer ball looking things and wondering how I can make this watchable.
  11. I called them today my e-mail don't go through but I was able to pay over the phone. I would have gotten a notice in the mail next week. I do appreciate this thread, it is the only reason I checked.
  12. I just got on my huskers.com account and it says I have nothing available for renewal. Do they do it in waves or should I call them.
  13. I believed the anatomy class had an oral exam.
  14. We need to take what ever in we can get with the Sudanese community we can get. On top of witch he improves our team.
  15. I could go for a winnable game on the road.
  16. Average cost per students in Florida public school is just under $10,000 in 2014. New Jersey an DC are over $19,000 per student for public school in 2014. I could be wrong but I'm guessing this is a better education.
  17. I believe that would make him better than LeBron James
  18. Read this, the recruiting restrictions were absurd. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4405930/Oral-Roberts-coach-banned-recruiting-tattooed-players.html
  19. With Old Miss involved I think 100k is a little short.
  20. Hasn't recovered from all of the minutes he played this years.
  21. This may be my favorite post ever.
  22. If someone says this is my truth they are a liar.
  23. This deserves an up arrow from everyone. There is no such thing as your truth; only your opinion.
  24. Counciltuky's team.
  25. Tim Miles problem is not recruiting it's retention.
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