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Everything posted by trickey

  1. In the ideal world...I would love to see Jayhawks and Sooners in the B1G west .
  2. NU 76 la 85 4 players in double # May I be as wrong as I was yesterday in picking.
  3. Maybe they will want to play us to up their strength of schedule.
  4. Not as fun as being undefeated after that game! Yet, I like the way you dream.
  5. OK, you 2 convinced me. Can you recommend a good red glasses remover?
  6. I have been accused of wearing red colored glasses often. Help me out here. It seemed to me that things on drives were called differently on opposite ends of the floor. Am I blind or right?
  7. Never been happier to be so wrong! Great win. UCLA game will be late...get your sleep tonight. Long day tomorrow.
  8. Good, because my suggestion was going to be to get new in laws. I told my wife 2 weeks ago we needed to be home by 7 for the tip off. Yes, I lied about the time to insure myself being here.
  9. That is a heck of a punishment to an unknowing guy we are forcing to participate, especially when he will put in a score for every other game. He isn't going to come close to the top and he is 100% sure we will win. So, I think he should get the average or mean of all our predictions so we see how he plays out. Well, unless you already have money on whether you beat him over the season!
  10. Thanks for the heads up, although the Omaha Cox guide has this starting @ 12 p.m. CST.
  11. NU 84 ss 61 8 non-conference season wins
  12. Well now, something besides the weather to brighten my day! Thanks, Auroran.
  13. And over the heads of us to old for Johnny Quest as well!
  14. The correct phrasing is get THOSE tournament WINS. I want to be alive in week two...and beyond before I die.
  15. Does the challenge include Monday's exhibition?
  16. Nice addition, Dimes! Congratulations .
  17. I believe we got my men's passes last Saturday. (I am in Omaha.)
  18. 49'er, your quote of the article after the link is a little confusing, as I first interpreted it as your thoughts. Reading the article and seeing the quote was from a Rutgers fan, gives me comfort that you have not fallen off the wagon. Of course, I have had to drink a share of wine due to this evening's Cub woes.
  19. This year's rating has been released. We are 87th and 12th in the league. What do you think? http://kenpom.com/
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