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Everything posted by trickey

  1. I am changing this to: NU 66 ms 70 Please let me be wrong on the winner.
  2. Well, that explains it. I am in Spain and I don't think I can get ESPN, BTN or diddly squat from here! While I have internet access, it seems my cox TV access is not going to get me there. Well, and the 7 PM games are played at my 2 in the morning; while my wife wants the noise "no exante" by that time.
  3. Well, I did not see the feature you are mentioning. Yet, if is like most all-conference teams, players can't get in the mix if they are not from a school that begins with P, O,W,M or I. This will change.
  4. How about this possible scenario...We beat MSU, Illinois and Michigan while losing to Minnie. Then, of course, all other games go by form! Big 10 Standings 1. Purdue (15 - 3) Defeated Wisconsin based on head-to-head record. 2. Wisconsin (15 - 3) Lost to Purdue based on head-to-head record. 3. Maryland (14 - 4) 4. Northwestern (11 - 7) 5. Minnesota (10 - 8) 6. Nebraska (9 - 9) Defeated Michigan State based on record against #1 teams. 7. Michigan State (9 - 9) Lost to Nebraska based on record against #1 teams. 8. Michigan (8 - 10) Defeated Indiana based on head-to-head record. 9. Indiana (8 - 10) Lost to Michigan based on head-to-head record. 10. Iowa (7 - 11) Defeated Penn State based on head-to-head record. 11. Penn State (7 - 11) Lost to Iowa based on head-to-head record. 12. Illinois (6 - 12) 13. Ohio State (5 - 13) 14. Rutgers (2 - 16)
  5. The girls want to know!
  6. If you have to go to a chick flick and an expensive dinner to have sex...the night is way to long! But I will agree; you would then want to prolong the ending!
  7. The next 4 years will be an interesting time for my grandchildren and me as my wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother were all known as nanas. My grandchildren will certainly have fun rooting for their Nana. Now, if we could just get a recruit named Bumpa, we would be set.
  8. I agree with you there. The underdog fighting factor is diminished, and I considered that factor, You are right; the excitement, in some ways, will be lost. Then I thought, pretty soon we are going to be really good, so shouldn't I want the better team to win? I hated seeing Wilt/Shaq out of a game simply because they could not shoot free-throws. I want basketball, not a free-throw shooting contest, Even though, if the game was a free-throw shooting contest, I might be in the hall of fame rather than cut from the squad!
  9. Since many of you are throwing out never to be seriously considered in our lifetime rule changes, how about these: 1. The fouled team would have the option to take the ball to in-bound rather than shooting free-throws. Perhaps the clock should reset (maybe a new 30 if the time was over 15; and to 15 if the play clock was under that time) rather than shooting free throws. 2. Under a minute in any period (or some other time-frame) and the fouled team would then have the option to attempt one free throw and be allowed to in-bound the ball; or they could continue under the current rules. I think it speeds the game up; but not sure I have considered most of the advantages/faults. I think this radically changes the end game while limiting the effectiveness of the Shaq attack. Any thoughts?
  10. This is what will serve the 2017-2018 team well. These type of experiences give you confidence in the face of adversity. If we would have had these experiences last year, I suggest we would have less than 3 one point losses; and gosh, I hope we would not have lost to GW.
  11. I will be leaving the continent, therefore I am concerned that I may not be able to put in my "all important" score predictions from where I will be. If I can't use the advantage of later information and the internet...please sub in the following guesses: NU 67 os 66 NU 69 ms 77 NU 74 ill 61 NU 64 mu 77 NU 75 mu 73 If there are special guesses for rebounds, assists, blocks, etc...give me whatever you give Ken P. If I can find access to the internet, I will post and you can ignore the above guesses in this post. I believe I will be back in Omaha in time to see us win all our B1G Tournament games and our ensuing NCAA play-in win, so I will post for those before they happen.
  12. We lost at home in OT after we beat mu in columbia...and much later beat them in the conference tournament. This one hurts worse.
  13. I thought he made the lay up on the right hand side...But I havn't seen relays and II was busy banging my head against the wall...so I may have missed it.
  14. My extreme knowledge of the finer points of basketball tell me to cover the open guy under the basket first! Just a bad time to slip. I have not seen a replay yet,; but wasn't Jacobsen (or somebody on the other side) straying out to far? We don't get to run it back in the hospital!
  15. The thing that is hardest for me to swallow is the belief that we would be at least 5-1 if Ed is healthy. Throw in Gill and I wonder if anyone here thinks we would not have AT LEAST two more B1G wins.
  16. I'll be fine, especially if we keep this lead on os.
  17. Looks like I'm stuck in the hospital. So, my whistle will not be heard. Cheer extra loud for me.
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