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Everything posted by trickey

  1. Oopps! I was wrong...it is because he knows how to box! http://www.syracuse.com/orangebasketball/index.ssf/2016/10/syracuse_basketballs_andrew_white_stepped_into_the_boxing_ring_to_prepare_for_se.html
  2. He committed to Oregon.
  3. I can tell you, without any insider information, that deep down what the staff wants most is to win the Wooden Legacy, beat Creighton and then beat KU.
  4. https://twitter.com/AndrewWhite03/status/783098412652695552 Maybe AW3 had an ill advised first four years! But he thinks he has finally figured it out. Perhaps he thinks: because I can play zone, dad got smarter, this time it is going to happen...(like when you buy your third lottery ticket).
  5. On 8/23 @ 6 AM I laid myself down for what turned into an 8 hour surgery where they split your chest and pull out your heart (yes, they did confirm I still have one) and try to fix it. Then I spent the next 4 days unconscious and the last few getting up enough strength to read this board. I am not sure whether this topic or the hospital was more painful. I picked a great time to take a nap!
  6. I never excluded multiple championships!
  7. Honestly I think I would take a pass this season and focus on your health and recovery, basketball is not that important considering what you're dealing with. Then maybe next year take another look at moving. Good Luck. Not that important? I refuse to die until either one of the men's hoops team or the diamond team win the national championship. A reason to live is better than an excuse to die. I may have to plan on living to a ripe old age!
  8. Good luck with that trickery, will be thinking about you. Trickery!? Sliverbacked. Thanks for the wishes.
  9. Great! I got mine and it is "Initial selection date and time: Tuesday, Aug 23rd @ 10:15 AM" Well, since I am having my aortic valve replaced at 7 AM that day. I'll be sleeping. Should I ask my anesthesiologist to try to get on line for me? Do I trust my wife to try?
  10. So the appeal to the Committee on Student-athlete Reinstatement is... "Oh, come on! Her dad is a former NBA player. Who wouldn't cheat, I mean, kill to have him?"
  11. I thought BJ Day retired from basketball bc if injuries? Don't throw him on dead cart yet; He's getting better!
  12. It is a dirty shitty world out there in recruiting. However, K State basketball has never worried about rolling in it.
  13. While I dislike this subspecies of lesser collegians in Columbia quite a bit; it appears they made a pretty good hire! DAMN!!!!
  14. Hopefully, here it is. https://www.instagram.com/p/BI3kahCgh_f/ Well, OK then. It did not work for me either!
  15. I'm guessing the coaches changed the PIN for the lock on the Hendricks Center after he left ... and he won't be getting a copy of the new number. Not a prayer that Miles invites a cancer into the team's body. I would have a better chance of playing (well if my eligibility hadn't expired 42 years ago)!
  16. Ditto the ditto. Hard to turn down another 6'11" 275 lb player who becomes all conference before he leaves.
  17. An interesting retweet by Coach Miles. I wonder if he had anybody in particular in mind.
  18. I like seeing our center as being taller than the entry door!
  19. So you are telling me I crossed party lines!
  20. All right, Jimmy, I'll bite. How does this poll relate to party preference?
  21. I guess I am a good one to respond to this since I was born with this generalized complication. There are numerous reasons you can have an enlarged heart and they are not all readily apparent. My issue was diagnosed when I was a senior in high school (1969). While I was feeling fine, running track, loving my girlfriend , etc. I had no idea something was wrong. I had a congenital valve defect, for which I have had 2 replacement surgeries and another coming up next month. (Not looking forward to that!) Many of the dozen or so issues that can cause an enlarged heart they can make better, if they catch them. Using my condition as an example, if part of the valve breaks off, and they typically will in time, the valve will get stuck somewhere in the heart system, plug it up and cause an immediate heart attack. People my age may recall Mike Heck, the 7'1" player from Papillion who then went to Creighton. He died in 1974 in his sleep. If I recall correctly he had the same valve problem I had. Unfortunately, nobody caught his. In this case, only an autopsy will determine the exact cause of death, for what ever it matters. That is one reason why it is important to get a through physical exam for even the most health appearing kids. I am sure it has given me at least an additional 30 or more years and I am hoping not to check out any time soon. Trickey-as a medical person who specializes in the heart department-let me clarify a couple things. "Enlarged heart" is a really vague term. In simple terms, a bad valve can cause an enlarged heart but typically causes a dilation problem where a chamber of the heart dilates (expands, think of a balloon inflating). This dilation or expansion of a chamber can cause the heart to pump inefficiently. Usually, when we hear of athletes having an "enlarged heart" it is hypertrophy or abnormal thickening of the muscle wall itself. A completely different problem than the heart dilating. The abnormal thickening of the heart muscle can increase the risk of sudden cardiac death. We hear that term a lot when these young athletes pass suddenly collapsing during a game or workout. The thickened muscle can screw with the hearts normal electrical conduction causing the normal heart beat to deteriorate into a fatal rhythm. Sounds like ventricular hypertrophy (thickened heart muscle) is the cause of this young mans death. ajb, thanks for the clarifications since I am far from a med man. I realized the enlarged heart thing is a generalization including a dozen different causes. The question originally asked was whether the causes are detectable. How about hypertrophy? If you think that will be the most likely cause, is it detectable in time?
  22. Well, when you are (whatever age younger you are) you might think anything after 65 is "gravy". Yet, once you are 65, your will not be ready to die. I am going to start collecting checks next month and they base my life expectation on my living another 19.6 years or something like that. I paid in for close to 50 years. I want to take the time to get my full investment back out.
  23. I guess I am a good one to respond to this since I was born with this generalized complication. There are numerous reasons you can have an enlarged heart and they are not all readily apparent. My issue was diagnosed when I was a senior in high school (1969). While I was feeling fine, running track, loving my girlfriend , etc. I had no idea something was wrong. I had a congenital valve defect, for which I have had 2 replacement surgeries and another coming up next month. (Not looking forward to that!) Many of the dozen or so issues that can cause an enlarged heart they can make better, if they catch them. Using my condition as an example, if part of the valve breaks off, and they typically will in time, the valve will get stuck somewhere in the heart system, plug it up and cause an immediate heart attack. People my age may recall Mike Heck, the 7'1" player from Papillion who then went to Creighton. He died in 1974 in his sleep. If I recall correctly he had the same valve problem I had. Unfortunately, nobody caught his. In this case, only an autopsy will determine the exact cause of death, for whatever it matters. That is one reason why it is important to get a through physical exam for even the most health appearing kids. I am sure it has given me at least an additional 30 or more years and I am hoping not to check out any time soon.
  24. Secret scrimmage news of the day:
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