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Everything posted by demone

  1. Might have been a bit of homerism on Kent’s part. Replay did not show he was fouled.
  2. Among many things that make me nuts, 2 of the biggest are... 1. Missing free throws 2. Piss poor fundamental rebounding technique Consequently, it would not be a surprise if I am consuming massive amounts of alcohol for the remainder of this season.
  3. Dammit you are right! I stand corrected!
  4. I'll be following the 2nd half from this board and Twitter. An NFL playoff game gets my attention because, as EF Hutton would say, "they've earned it." My goodness, I am getting old How many on this board are "mature" enough to remember that terrible TV commercial?
  5. Cam doesn't seem to have it today offensively. Too many turnovers.
  6. It's probably just selective memory, but bad offensive teams sure seem to get hot regularly when they play NU.
  7. Really happy for him and the team. Great move by the staff!
  8. NU 72 NW 67 This team is such a challenge to predict - I am basically throwing darts at this point.
  9. This. This. A thousand times this.
  10. I won’t argue - the “more coachable” aspect is what I referred to previously and believe it’s the most important.
  11. I very well may agree with you...or at the very least, I'm starting to see evidence that Green may be part of the problem and not part of the solution. Not possible to say with certainty yet. But 2 games against B1G competition without him and there was a drastically improved energy we didn't see yesterday.
  12. Following along on Twitter as best I can - so typical. Quality win followed by complete mental weakness the next time out. The more things change...
  13. Would love to vote yes, but had to go with no. It's easy to be caught up in the moment and yes, the 1st 2 games of conference play give reason to hope. But there are at least 19 more of these suckers and the B1G is no slouch, regardless of opponent or location. I think we will compete more often than not, but we will have really bad nights on offense more frequently than if this was a veteran team. Alas, no postseason this year.
  14. Didn't get a chance to watch the IU game, but I can't describe how impressed I was with today's performance: Based on the OT loss at IU and playing again within 48 hours, I never dreamed we would be close, much less win. Effort was not a question, especially on the boards. When shots fall, even in spurts, this team can be dangerous and play with anyone. Win? Maybe not, but at least compete. From an outsider's perspective, Coach Hoiberg is second to no one in scheme. Big congrats to Cam Mack for his triple double! Thor is the glue - when he is on the floor, it's a positive. Keep improving, keep playing as hard as possible and good things will happen.
  15. I have to admit that I find myself not nearly as focused this year. I’ll watch when I can, read up on stuff and generally pay attention. But...in the past I would schedule stuff around watching NU hoops. This year, if I have something else to do, NU hoops may take a back seat. Call me a bad fan or whatever, but I am a bit burned out on Men’s Cornhusker athletics at this point.
  16. As much as I despise the blue school, no one should be surprised by this result - I was following along on Twitter while on a flight to Omaha. Painful. The team wasn’t ready and I don’t think we as fans are ready for what this season is potentially presenting. No matter how much we tell ourselves how bad this could be, we simply cannot brace ourselves for how historically awful this could be in 2019-20.
  17. Leaning toward not winning another game, even if we don’t come back in this one. Let’s do our part to tank Creighton’s SOS & NET rankings. (Hey, if you can’t find something to cheer for, try to bring everyone else down with you...)
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