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Everything posted by tcp

  1. Hi Guys, Some of you may remember that you had kindly donated to a cause I'm in a ways back and I wanted to give you a finall update on what your hard-earned charity dollars did and then I will leave this subject alone hopefully for the remainder of my time in this community. I just feel I owe this to you since you guys were decisive to our recent success. Our mission to DC was a bigger success than we could have hoped .As a result of our efforts, we have managed to get a seat at the Vets Admin table to discuss the plight of chronic pain patients in the VA system and their difficulty obtaining adequate treatment for persistently painful conditions and llnesses. We now have lined up sponsors in both chambers of Congress and are going to proceed with our mission to get the VA to alter it's Opioid Safety Initiative policy to ensure vets that need opioid medications can receive them while safeguarding the health of others as well. I, personally, will likely be testifying before the Senate and telling my personal story for the first time in public. Maybe I'll get my Al Pacino moment and get to bellow, "I'm put of order?! You're out of order!" Or maybe not. Anyhow, I can't thank you all enough and of course my friend Cip for facilitating it in the first place. The good lord indeed works in mysterious and unexpected ways. On behalf of myself, my community, and disabled vets everywhere, I thank you. *Now* we can get on with hoops and I swear, these guys had better win something while I'm still bloody alive. :) tom
  2. get a metal detector and play "dig for mobsters!" out in the desert. I hear it's a great way to, um, kill time.
  3. so you're telling me, there's a chance, right? heh heh this team is beyond hopeless...and starting off this new car ride with the overpowering scent of puke is going to be a trigger the rest of the season. this is a team that begins their campaign not believing they can win, still. Go (Get a Shrink) Big Red!
  4. i gotta lot of puke to clean off the floor because of this game. But nothing I got strong enough to wipe away these tears (cue sad, crappy radio music)
  5. i long ago took up the habit of marking "zen" in big letters across the pages of basketball season on the calendar.... it's pretty effective.
  6. I'm still in the Jeter fan club. Fills a hole, good leadership. Plays like a linebacker. My kind of Husker.
  7. somehow I knew....heh heh
  8. let's face it, it's an excellent promotion from his point of view. As public universities go, that's one of the biggest prizes out there, in spite of their recent history of scandals. It's a good gig if you can stay out of trouble with their alums. Presidents are fund raisers now, first and foremost. NU will find another first rate person for the job.
  9. thanks norm. take care.
  10. HI guys, I wanted to say thanks to all of you who generousklly helped my partner and I get at least one of us to what's turning out to be a more important opportunity than we ewere originally led to believe. As some of you know, I work for a patient's rights organization called P3 Alliance (where you clicked on our link!) and I'm in charge of policy development and strategy. My disability has degenerated significantly this past year, so I'm down pretty much to my last campaign. In any event, we have managed to get some meetings scheduled with our own Senator, Jim Lankford, and a few of his colleagues to talk about the effects of the VA Opioid Safety Initiative and changes that everyone wants made to that policy now that we know too many vets have died as a result of "cutting off the spigot" 6-7 years ago. I was almost one of them myself, and I lost literally everything to the opioid war--home, property, my cars, you name it. With the recent release of Netflix's "Painkiller" film, another movie relying on old and now discredited research more than 5 years old in their script, our allies decided that there needed to be more legislative action taken to protect our community from the inevitable public backlash that follows these types of movies (I estimate OUR movie will be made in about 3-4 years, when most of us are dead!). In any event, those of you who donated have made it possible for our voices to be heard at the federal level in a more efffective setting than a public hearing. On behalf of chronic pain patients, I can't thank you enough. After all, one of these days, God forbid, it may be you in our shoes, and you're going to hope then that we prevailed now. Thanks for the assistance, and thank you Matt for allowing Cip to do this and for me it's back to hoops. GO BIG RED!!! tom
  11. ah, ya sneaky ratbastard....:) Dan, you just had to make me cry tonight, didn't ya.....btw, not Vietnam, I ain't that old....it was the other ones after that. ;) thanks guys, to anyone that can help. We've fought for 3 years to get this opportunity. bless all of you. And for the record, I like Dan's "boss" too. My partner certainly does!
  12. go away for a day and you brothers rockin' some incredible music in heah! got some RJ, last waltz, and, of course, RIP Robbie....my second favorite Canadian curmudgeon.
  13. it'll be interesting to see what the wash. legislature does with a potential split like this. they lean very protective re: the Cougars, and this might not sit well with the rural rep. majority.
  14. probably holding on to that last schollie to see how this played out? well it appears we have an answer; "not good". glad we have a schollie to burn(o) now.
  15. i can't be the only one thoroughly disgusted with what's happening in college athletics, right? i mean, if it's going to be a minor league for the NBA, get this garbage off of college campuses. although maybe i have it backwards: maybe the problem is the college model itself, yes?
  16. i'm fine with anything other than politics. and we all know that's still the door trying to be pried open.
  17. another reminder that these are still college kids...lol. I would've been busy being passed out on Harper 9 about that time anyway. go to amigos and get the tots. or is it the trots?
  18. a bumper sticker at a minimum
  19. lord, westerberg was a two-legged trainwreck. insanely talented, but erratic as an Italian tour bus driver after a speedball.
  20. hahaha. y'all deserve this...:)
  21. that brother needs some serious help if that report is true. 2 bags of empty beer cans and he didn't even know what *state* he was driving in? oh my....
  22. HHC Offseason: All the Drama, None of the Calories! (TM)
  23. decade old necro? really?
  24. Who wouldn't want a dude named "Mongolian Mike" on their team? Pair him with Bulgarian Bob and Liechtenstein Larry and we're talking t-shirt collectible territory.
  25. given that this team eventually picked up their erformance n the back half/third of the season, it'll likely come down to how much of that momentum transfers to the early going of this campaign. i haven't been bullish on a single Hoiberg team yet, and this one won''t be an exception. I think it'll be a bottom half team again. But I do think they'll be bit better than last season, althugh that bar was pretty low. I'll be thrilled if they finish in a single digit place in the league.
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