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Everything posted by hskr4life

  1. That’s ridiculous. I realize things aren’t great right now in our world, but it seems like every single thing is “offensive.” I don’t agree with their decision.
  2. 7 of first 9 were K’s. That’ll have to change.
  3. I hope so. Someone needs to show these guys that all of their dang goals are still possible. Win the Big 10 Tournament? Possible. Make the Dance? Possible. Win a game or two when we get there? Possible. I mean hell, I look at bracketmatrix and am flabbergasted. The Bubble is so incredibly weak. So weak. Updated yesterday... Last 4 In: Alabama, Temple, Clemson, Arizona State First 4 Out: Utah State, Nebraska, Butler, Davidson Next 4 Out: Furman, Indiana, Georgetown, San Francisco
  4. I have a bone to pick with this. Who is to say that this wasn't a MSU fan? That's my only question. I mean it's most likely obviously a Georgia fan... but seriously... is that all it takes to get your team some tec freethrows? Hell, let's all drive up to Indy and throw a stuffed animal on the court every time we shoot a FT just in case we miss. We'll just wear the opposing teams gear. We might need about 40 of us as well... knowing the number of FT's we miss lately. ?
  5. Well dang it! Why didn't ya say 26-1? No one had guessed that yet either. YOU HAD ONE JOB! ?
  6. Here is my final take on both the podcast and its content. I ask myself 2 questions.. 1. Is doing a podcast something Miles would have done any other point in his career? 2. If what Miles said and joked about something that he would have done at any other point in his career? My answers to those two questions are both yes and therefore I am not too worried. I stated before... I think the podcast was just Miles being Miles.
  7. If there was a post that deserved the most down arrows... it probably was that one. Went from a +16 to a -5 in one post in less than one day. Yikes.
  8. One of the most ridiculous things I have seen today.
  9. I was just coming here to post this. That really makes you wonder doesn’t it.
  10. First, you have to want to be at the game. That'll be a start for Saturday that we didn't see last night.
  11. Not saying that we were going to go 4-0. I was merely stating that there is still a lot to play for... even after last night. Hell, this is one of the only sports where you have a tournament at the end of the year that you can play your way into the "post-season" despite your in-season performance. I guess the point of my post was to say that I am so disappointed but if the players wanted to... there is still a lot to play for... and I sure would be if it were me.
  12. Crazy thing is... for Miles and the team... if we go 4-0 to end the season all against Q1 Top 25 teams... even with last night... we are still in. Much more likely to go 0-4 than 4-0, but if I was on a team... I would still be fighting my tail off.
  13. Well that is one... hell... of a prediction. Kudos. Enjoy those steaks!
  14. Viewing 8/10 threads the past month should tell you that you are not the "only guy" that thinks Miles is a bad coach.
  15. After watching last night. I agree with this. Last night was "throwing in the towel" from Miles down to the players and managers.
  16. Like the rest of a season where there is still 5 games minimum to play and 3 wins gets you on the bubble of dancing? Where a run at the end of the season allows you to automatically dance?
  17. Purdie won...48 to 46 Ha! IU struggling as much as us!
  18. Replace Bruce Weber with Tim Miles and Myles Leonord with Isiah Roby...
  19. Bull. We have enough talent that the players could play without a coach, plays, ect and not lose by 30 to PSU. The players didn't play hard, Timmeh didn't do much to coach em, and this whole season is over. I saw it tonight. Everyone has thrown in the towel.
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