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Everything posted by hskr4life

  1. Let’s just say that we did enough this past week to get me to watch the Selection Sunday show today. HOWEVER, I do not expect our name to be seen until this evening. My one biggest Nebrasketball thing right now would be this... our name is shown today. In that first 4 out that they show at the end. And we’ll loathe that loss to Wisconsin more than we ever did before.
  2. Now that’s not how I remember it. From what I remember, you were set 100% it was Fred.
  3. Since we’re all conspiracy theoring... I will throw one out there that would be absolutely hilarious. The committee can’t decide on a last team. They like our story with limited players and never having won a tournament game. So they put us in the first four in Dayton against a team like Belmont. I’d love to see the look on Moos’ face. Would love to. Ok back to reality. Time to do the dishes.
  4. Utah State deserves to be seeded higher than Navada. Prove. Me. Wrong.
  5. Unless we’d win 25 regular season games. Then Joey buckets would have us “first four byes.
  6. While this year was certainly disappointing, it’s hard to compare this year to the year after we danced. Arguably we were consistent this year with last year in that we had (or assume we had) a legit shot at dancing on the Friday before Selection Sunday. Yeah, it was two different routes to get there, but it isn’t like this year was a total flop like our year after dancing.
  7. As much as it annoys me what some reporters write about the Big Red, they have every right to do so.
  8. I have not heard since then. It would be cool to do some charity stuff (water or food collection) or a 50/50 raffle for flood victims if we do play.
  9. Personally, my view has been the same since before the season. It was NCAA or bust with Tim. However, we need a Homerun hire to take over after Tim. If we’re talking another mid-major or Chris Collins, or any other bottom tier Power 5 conference coach, I’m more inclined to stay with Tim. I 100% see where you’re coming from though that he actually got it done when he made the dance. I would say that we had the tougher matchup with Baylor though. In addition, he also followed his one good year up with a huge clunker much like Miles. Really, the two seem pretty interchangeable when you dive into their stories!
  10. Right now, his run is looking more lightning in a bottle than Miles run that he gets blasted for. Only difference is he won 1 more game. I don’t think it’s the “sustained success” we’re looking for.
  11. Jumped up a spot to #48 in NET. Officially ahead of... TCU Creighton Indiana Temple OSU UNC Greensborough Alabama Arizona State St Johns
  12. At Least! If we get an NIT bid, it’s probably more of the same “we’ll make a decision after the season” BS. Either way this looks bad for Moos IMO. 1. You know you’re going to get rid of Miles. In this case, there’s no need for a statement yesterday. If you’re actually there like other AD’s, you can show support for the team and congratulate them on a run. Then fly off to Cali and be there in time to hang with the family a bit before the game.... THE NEXT DAY. Otherwise, if you are in Cali already, no statement is better than anything. Don’t give me none of the “you’ll have to handle media questions about Tims future” crap. That’s you’re job. 2. You’re not for sure if you’re getting rid of Miles. In this case what more do you need to see or not see!?!? Is a few wins or bad loss in the NIT really going to change your mind!?!? I am in the camp that thinks Moos was there for a probable loss on Wednesday and didn’t know what to do from there once we won.
  13. Sometimes you don’t know you have cancer until you get “checked out.” Then when you finally start going through treatment, you realize how much better you feel.
  14. Its all fine and dandy to think his absence is nothing. To some fans it’s nothing and to others it’s something. But when you have players that are upset about it and mentioning it, that doesn’t look good. Obviously the players feel a lack of support from the administration. That’s a problem that needs fixed. So for us fans, we can keep making jokes. But that absence meant something to the players which makes this more of an issue than some fans might want to lead on.
  15. To me... it just feels like Moos has struck out and he doesn’t know what to do now. That’s what I’m feeling.
  16. Johnny TB has as well.
  17. It will be a fail of epic proportions if we get rid of Tim and hire another Mid-Major. Period.
  18. I’ve read about 20 other ways to handle the situation on this board and nearly every one is better than what happened today. That shouldn’t be the case. Quit trying to break the team. That’s BS. Stringing Tim along only puts more pressure and clouds over the players heads if we get an NIT bid. At least give the players a chance to play loose by making a decision. The minds already made up.
  19. Having a realistic shot at dancing on the Friday before Seection Sunday.
  20. So I remember a lot of people’s goals were being on the bubble every year with a dance here and there. We’re on the bubble this year and last. So 1 dance, 2 bubble teams that made the NIT in 7 years. A very interesting year setting up next year.
  21. Massive failure right now to not be there yesterday and today for Mr Moos. Players are pissed.
  22. No one is judging Moos on his final decision. He deserves judgement on his handling of this decision so far.
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