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Everything posted by hskr4life

  1. Agreed. But I think if he doesn't get hurt, we could have found 2 more wins in the latter portion of the conference schedule to make up for those. However, our Big 10 seeding completely changes and there is a chance we go 0-1.
  2. Right!?!? Trying to make the men's "halve" system fit the quarter system for fouls.
  3. Guaranteed to hit the 10+ "upvote" mark before mid-night.
  4. Would be interesting to play former Big 12 Colorado and them bam... current Big 12 Texas.
  5. That bolded part makes my head hurt. My goodness.
  6. Sadly probably a 2 seed. Hope they get a three with us though.
  7. 7:30 start.
  8. My final guess is a 3 or 4 seed. UNCG, TCU, Bama, Indiana- 1 seeds Texas and NCST should be 2 seeds.
  9. KPI I believe.
  10. JPJ Made the All Tournament Team!!
  11. NCST also not in first 4 out. So Texas and NC ST probably 2 seeds in NIT.
  12. "Belmont racked up some Quad 1 wins."-- Committee chair Looks at Belmont team sheet... 2-2 in Q1
  13. Also... Notice that Texas wasn't even first 4 out. HAHAHA!
  14. I am still thinking 1-2 wins away. Damn if Cope didn't get hurt.
  15. So the Big 10 has the most teams in, yet doesn't get a 1 seed. Interesting line of thought.
  16. 7 Non-Power At Large Bids.
  17. So we will be around the 2-4 seed range.
  18. First four Out UNCG, Bama, TCU, and Indiana.
  19. Look at those GOD AWFUL NET Rankings for Last 4 in. 47 56 63 and 73.
  20. Big wins and Bad losses. Interesting decision.
  21. ANNNDDDD Utah State gets screwed and seeded lower than Nevada.
  22. First four.... ASU and ST. Johns. Indiana is OUT.
  23. Think Murry gets passed Marquette.
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