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Everything posted by cipsucks

  1. In the immortal words of Joe Biden, "that's a big effing deal." Ouch. I think he would have an easier time explaining getting ticketed in a Lincoln park for sitting in a car with a girl who happens to be naked from the waist up than unleashing an f bomb tirade on the people who pay your salary. I think someone will need a whiskey/Nyquil chaser tonight.....
  2. I hope Peltz plays this year. We haven't had a native Nebraskan contribute to this program since Dave Hoppen.....
  3. Where there's a will there's a way. I never thought it was possible to jam three sentences into one.
  4. You recruitniks actually get into this stuff, dont you? Good for you guys. I lost my appetite for recruiting info during the Callahan era.
  5. Ohio State should have used a cut from the Stones Tattoo U album for the video....
  6. Norm, in this instance, I think it's called Taijacking.
  7. Including the topic title and the original post, there was scheduel, schedule and schedual. You forgot schedyule. (The games during Christmas break....)
  8. I agree. That's why I wish we would have had black uniforms last year. It would have made Almeida look 30 pounds lighter.....
  9. Everybody should see them at least once, Norm. HUBBA HUBBA!! I keep trying to decide who's the sicker pup on this board, Norm or Cip? Oh, that's not even a close call. For instance, I would NEVER post a video of Cher wearing some sort of thong-type outfit. Eeeeew. That which has been seen cannot be unseen. And that's not an image of Cher I want to have in my memory banks. Frankly, the less Cher in my memory banks, the better. On the other hand, who can argue with my observations about good looking volleyball players at Nebraska through the years? Sick? I ask you: My semi-obsession with hot-looking Husker volleyball players? Or Cip's semi-obsession with Christian Standhardinger's recreational activities? There might be a sick puppy in the room but he's not sitting in the chair I currently occupy. It ain't me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ec0XKhAHR5I Well-played on the video, Norm. Now we await the Standhardinger obsessed Cip weighing in, although it's apparent that guy has the misfortune of having a day job. And it will be interesting to see if Seaofred votes on this one....... HB--it's not so much having a day job as it is forgetting we have a recruiting forum... Now, as for Mr. Peterson, "You're a troubled young man, I can tell."
  10. Sounds like a Cher song.....
  11. I've previously posted I attended Elton's concert at the Devaney Center in 1980. Great show! Haven't seen him since, but I bet he's still really good. I just hope he doesn't twerk on stage......
  12. The first event at Pinnacle is this Thursday. It's the Farm Food Fork thingee with Andrew Zimmern. Rumor has it, the beef served at this venue comes from Nebraska Star Beef.
  13. I really don't have anything to add to this thread, I just figured my odds were pretty good on getting a +1 if I posted. Good day, everyone!
  14. But I say, It's alright......
  15. Happy birthday, my friend. I'll drop off a jar of birthday salsa at your office sometime this week. Don't expect it gift wrapped, with a card, though.
  16. I didn't know we had a recruiting board. When did that start?
  17. Hammond, huh? Must have got on board a northbound 747.....
  18. Making things bigger with a touch started thousands of years before the iPad....
  19. I see today is your 8 month anniversary for joining this forum. You choose this topic to make your first post. Interesting. I guess we all have our hot buttons...... BTW, welcome.
  20. Been eyeballing the Shim Shams again, haven't you jimmy......
  21. It's a Carlos Danger video board......
  22. Actually, this song popped into my head... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGl8GKTUXYg
  23. Cip, can he out-talk me? I'd have to give that one some thought. You set the bar pretty high.....
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