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Everything posted by Neebraska

  1. You are correct, the appeal to some folks will be this is an obvious test run for alcohol sales for basketball games.
  2. I was shocked at how many seats were available in 100 yesterday. I wasn't looking to move, but I always like to look around in case the 2 next to me came up or something, my time was about 12:30 Tuesday and there were plenty of 100 seats available, where in years past, there might not be any when I logged in at my time.
  3. That about knocked the wind out of me to see it in print. Ouch.
  4. I believe the number that was quoted during a tour I took during construction was 1,500 seats could be added by completing the upper bowl. That would be the same amount as what they added in Omaha when they completed to upper bowl also.
  5. Interesting that they’d even try that. Bill Callahan had a provision in his contract here that he couldn’t be reassigned, as funny as a move to head toilet cleaner would have been. Figured it was standard contract language at this point.
  6. I think they are counting his buyout from Butler that he had to pay. Total deal is 8 year, 26 million.
  7. I’m not going if it’s at Carver Hawkeye.
  8. That question has partly been answered since he's done plenty of recruiting here. The bigger question is how we feel about that recruiting.
  9. I'll be there.
  10. If you go to the actual job posting, it's not required: https://employment.unl.edu/postings/54236
  11. CDL would be required to drive a truck over 26,000 pounds or a bus, not fork lifts. Not sure why it would be required.
  12. Over. I think football is going to surprise a lot of folks and basketball won't have to do much to get the rest, so I think quite a few games over.
  13. He did the same thing to me.
  14. I believe all of those individuals completed playing their fourth season this 2015-2016 season. A grad transfer doesn't get them an extra year.
  15. The five that are checked in are Webster, Rivers, Parker, Shields, and Pitchford. Where Tai is remains a mystery. He might be behind #1 because something is sticking out near his leg that doesn't belong.
  16. Hate to disagree, but I saw him play against a very undersized and out manned Lincoln Lutheran team his senior year and he either had 2 or 0 points and he ended up fouling out. They had nobody over 6'3" on him and he was just plain not good that night. This was the only time I saw him play in person, but I went to the game specifically see him play and I came away not impressed.
  17. Bump. Given the happenings over the last couple days, I suspect this to be even more true. That's fine, but I tried to pick up a couple of extra 100 level seats before last season, the response from the athletic department was over 500 priority points would be needed to request 100 level. That much demand isn't just going away in one year.
  18. I know Oklahoma and Georgia had them. I did not remember Minnesota at all, but I'm pretty sure Texas didn't. I used to know all the schools that had them, there were 8 schools that wore them IIRC.
  19. ALL BOUT THAT BASS I seem to recall a series of sport specific fat Herbies though but I couldn't find them with a simple GIS. It's been a long time, but IIRC, there was one with Herbie wearing a white hoops uniform spinning a basketball on his finger, and one of him in a red singlet for wrestling. Possibly even a baseball one with him wearing pinstripes??? Anybody else remember these? Of course I could just be imagining things, too. No, you are right, I remember all of those except that baseball one. It probably existed, I just don't remember it specifically,
  20. A lot of the games in the early 90s were pretty damn good. The MSU game in 90 and most of the conference games later that season were pretty wild. I can remember Rich King draining a wide open three against Mizzou in 91 that I thought was going to bring to roof down. I can't say that any game the crowd stayed on their feet and yelled as much as Wisconsin though, close but not quite. I'd agree with the 92 game with CU In football was wild, but that was more of a party because of how that game unfolded. The UW game in 91 was more like the Wisconsin game because TO had implored the fans that week that they needed help to win that game, it was the loudest game I have ever been to at Memorial Stadium, ever play the crowd really dug in and gave it all they had.
  21. You were expecting this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uFu4qHADD0&feature=youtu.be&t=7s
  22. Go on a Jay message board and see who is obsessed with who. Jay fan recently, when Connie Yori's name came up: "She's dead to me now". Seriously. Can't make this stuff up. I'm just impressed that they knew she coached there, must have read it somewhere...
  23. I was watching at the banquet last night and I was wondering while they were presenting Miles with the B1G Coach of the Year and National Coach of the Year if that was sinking in with Deng. Hopefully, I know if that was me in his position, if I wasn't sure where I wanted to go, that an item like that might help me decide. I think having Deng at the banquet when both of those were presented to Miles had to hammer that home with him.
  24. I hope not, but not the worst parting gift we have ever received.
  25. Umm, it's a dump?
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