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Swan88 last won the day on October 20 2024

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  1. Robin Washut suggests that a player’s list of contacting teams be taken with a grain of salt—those lists are often an agent’s exaggeration or fib.
  2. On this text, we are in 40th (last) place, but we have wins over these teams ahead of us on that list (Creighton, UCLA, Illinois, Oregon & Ohio State.) and played two close games against Maryland:
  3. Gary sat the last 10 minutes of the first half with 2 fouls—we were ahead by 5 when he left and down 5 at the half. With Gary in the game, we were clearly the better team. Without him . . . not so much.
  4. Here is a theory on the now-ended losing skid: I call it the "love effect." Nebraska has a long history (based on my memory) of team success followed by a player getting, all-of-a-sudden, a bunch of unexpected love from the national press . . . only to be followed by the team going into the tank immediately thereafter. So, that happened with Brice a while back--culminating in national player of the week honors. When that happened, I literally said: "Oh, no! the team is going into the tank for a while!!" And six losses ensued. Hopefully, the love-effect is through the Husker's system now, and we can get back to sustained winning ways--even if the love returns.
  5. On the missing big man for Illinois, Nebraska has a history of playing well against teams who rely heavily on their post player.
  6. Couldn't believe the size of the crowd last night. Was expecting a lot of empty seats . . . but the fans sowed up! When Cale spelled Brice for a couple minutes in the first half, he played well--got a rebound, and we extended the lead during his time on the floor.
  7. Sounds like good advice. Thanks.
  8. Here’s the first paragraph of an article (the first one to come up in a Google search) titled, “ 5 Common Methods Hackers Use to Break Into Your Bank Account”: “With so many people moving to internet banking, it's no wonder that cybercriminals seek to hack bank accounts. What may be surprising, however, are the lengths these individuals will go to in order to access your finances.”
  9. True. But here’s the difference: info from a check requires that someone get actual access to your account. The SeatGeek arrangement is online and could provide a direct link to the account for a creative hacker.
  10. I sold my UCLA tickets on SeatGeek. That was my first time, and I didn't read their fine print before doing so. Then, I tried to get my money from SeatGeek, but the only way I could do so (I found out too late) is to provide the routing number for my bank account. I have a long-standing policy of NEVER providing my bank account routing number to anyone, because of hacking issues and concerns. So, I called customer service at SeatGeak to solve the problem. Here's what they told me: Without my bank account routing number they won't give me my money; In response to my suggestion that they (just this once) do a credit on my credit card or send me a check, they said, "No." So, I said, you are going to keep my money unless I provide my bank account routing number? They said "Yes." That seems unreasonable to me. What do you think?
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