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Searching 4 Chester Surles

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Everything posted by Searching 4 Chester Surles

  1. Yeah. Kinda muddies it up a bit with various names. It's sorta like "The Old Navy Silver Bowl played on Ted Nugent Field at Hot Pockets Stadium".
  2. I'd add to that... Oklahoma State is DEFINITELY not getting Boone's monies worth. Georgetown is also paying quite a bit for first-round flameouts. Arkansas definitely needs an audit to find out what their spending money on (it's not success). For a private school, St John's is shelling out an awful lot to be annually mediocre. Oklahoma isn't great. Seton Hall has picked up some huge recruits this year, but they haven't been relevant since the early 90s. And good gawd... DePaul! DEPAUL!! So that's about a third of the top 30 that's not getting a respectable ROI.
  3. The Bro is benching the most on the team isn't he? Pretty sure I read that somewhere recently. He has to be in Rigoni territory.
  4. Dem all-black warmups... But it looks like we're getting on that crazy Zubaz train with adidas. Not thrilled.
  5. So if we want people (new/old/irregular) to find this place, keeping those keywords (Devaney Dungeon) intact would be a solid idea. It doesn't really matter that we don't play in the Devaney Center any more. Bob Devaney is still an important NU icon, so it still fits. Having said that, this board has TWO NAMES. The main title is "Husker Hoops Central" and really, it should continue to be known by that. It just so happens that one of the forum names (DD) is more popular than the actual site's name. Which is kinda weird. Therefore, I'm also kinda, pretty much, maybe, sorta on board for just calling this sub-forum "Men's Basketball". I think something like the following labels would make the most sense...
  6. Since the thread I originally posted this in got locked and dropped off the page, I'm moving this "stump speech" over here... I said the following when the new board opened up shop last year... But I've recently started to have thoughts similar to this... Just start typing "devan..." into google and you'll see "devaney dungeon" appear on the autocomplete list. That means people are searching for the keywords "devaney dungeon" and google has made the connection and placed some amount of importance behind it. That's really not something you want to throw away. It will take some time for new keywords to be established. And if you choose something that's a bit generic (The Bank Vault), that's going to be more difficult to rank first, on page one, in google. Right now we're dominating the top half of page one for the search term "Devaney Dungeon", and I doubt there's anything that will ever come close to challenging that. I don't think that can be said for many of the names suggested in this thread. And just like the concern over naming the board after a company that currently owns the arena's naming rights (which may/may not last the full contract term), we probably shouldn't be naming it after a coach either. I say we keep the current name.
  7. Nooooooooooo. Nooooo. Noo. No. Nuh-uh. I'm in favor of putting guys into positions they would have at the next level. To give Shavon the best shot of making it to the league, we need him at the 2 (would be my preference) or the 3. He won't get nearly as many looks from pro scouts as a 6'7" PF. Because really, there's no better recruiting tool than to say "See that guy? He came here as a three star and now he's playing in the NBA."
  8. Agreed with all of this. I think having more content appearing in Google/Y!/Bing search results would be a good thing.
  9. I said the following when the new board opened up shop last year... But I've recently started to have thoughts similar to this... Just start typing "devan..." into google and you'll see "devaney dungeon" appear on the autocomplete list. That means people are searching for the keywords "devaney dungeon" and google has made the connection and placed some amount of importance behind it. That's really not something you want to throw away. It will take some time for new keywords to be established. And if you choose something that's a bit generic (The Bank Vault), that's going to be more difficult to rank first, on page one, in google. Right now we're dominating the top half of page one for the search term "Devaney Dungeon", and I doubt there's anything that will ever come close to challenging that. I don't think that can be said for many of the names suggested in this thread. And just like the concern over naming the board after a company that currently owns the arena's naming rights (which may/may not last the full contract term), we probably shouldn't be naming it after a coach either. I say we keep the current name.
  10. Instead of going audio-only, they could remix the vocals a bit. Here's a clean version of the original "Simon Says" (vs the trap remix above).
  11. I mean, who could possibly not like a pre-tipoff song that starts out with a menacing sample from the Godzilla theme, and then proceeds to gently encourage fans to participate in the cheering-on of their team? I know I would get pretty hyped if the arena lights cut out and the above posted song came on.
  12. That would've been my pick a year ago. The kid was getting absolutely demolished around here last Summer. I think the majority opinion was that he should transfer to a D2 school. I actually second this. Sure, nobody is selling SS short, but I really think he's the player on the team with the highest ceiling. He could develop into a monster. I just hope he has the opportunity to play more in the backcourt/on the wing than being forced to man the 4.
  13. I never thought we'd do much (more than the usual) once T-Mart was named starter (as a RFr). He just never seemed to be "champion material" to me. Whatever that is, that "it", isn't there. And I think that intangible is incredibly important at a position like QB.
  14. Make it happen. ... or this ... WARNING: SONG IS NSFW. CAUTION: Don't hit "play" if you're easily offended. Disclaimer: Also, this would never be allowed. Addendum: It would be incredible though.
  15. Haha! I swear I almost edited my post right after I hit submit and switched those two.
  16. Plus, adidas seems to have some connection to TNGHT (the DJ duo behind "Higher Ground"). They've used two of their songs (in the ads below), so that should be enough of a stamp of approval. No? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gymy1-rl6UY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzry01QMRus
  17. Completely agree. The tradition is the players walking down the tunnel to some hype music, us watching it on the video boards, and them pouring out onto the field. I don't know why the song needs to stay affixed to that, and agree that it needs to continuously be updated (it should match the current team... maybe even chosen by them). I really don't want the basketball program to head into a new arena, pick some lame song, and stick to it for the next 20+ years. That would be unfortunate. You should've trusted your gut instinct on that one. Here are some other songs that would be similar/current... The college hipsters would probably say these two songs are played-out, as they've been featured on commercials and during other athletic events. But I would settle for either one of them. Besides the first one is called "Higher Ground" and if nothing else, it totally matches the mission of the program right now. And since they've appeared on national TV (Under Armour and Doritos commercials) maybe it won't be such a shock (to the upper age groups) when either of these come pumping out of the soundsystem before tipoff.
  18. TT started all but 2 games at Texas though. Or are you talking about him sitting behind Andy Varejao?
  19. The song has its place... somewhere. I just can't see that place being a hype video for football players, born in the nineties. It was putting that (already weak) crowd to sleep.
  20. We could then say we had a basketball legacy. We'd be known for something. I'll take it!! But seriously, I wonder what they could do? Disallow all phone use during gameplay? I can't see that happening. And as someone once said "If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'". Might as well push the boundaries until someone makes us stop. We were talking about the fooseballs. Ok, here's something. You know how they do these things at larger venues... .. how about making a large sign with a message or picture, made up of many pieces, that the student section puts together during free throws? Of course most of the time this is done in a nice way for someone fans like. I say use this for nefarious purposes. If it were me, I would push the limit and probably suggest that it forms a larger, completely inappropriate sign. Something on the tamer end of this spectrum would be a very large, almost nude, picture of Kate Upton that assembles like Voltron just as the guy is getting into his free throw motions. It would be like a Mega Bighead.
  21. I thought about going all Dion Waiters (best player at Syracuse for his two years there, never started a game, drafted #4), but that would've been a jerkmove. My apologies for the Maggette attack.
  22. Ok. No more messing with the uniform. Let's go back to the '95 uniform and ditch the tunnel walk. All in favor?
  23. I guess I should be thankful we're not Indiana. There's so much cringe going on here, I'm uncomfortable just watching this. A herd of bison? WTF is that about? Bad song. Bad video. Bad program.
  24. My personal favorite "Husker" music. Different strokes. Although, what choices of "Husker music" do we have really? There's not much of a selection. And I totally appreciate that some (most??) people like those songs, which is why I was taking the informal survey to see if I was the only one that disliked both. I guess I just look at what other schools are doing and it makes me cringe that we're still doing a tunnel walk that we ripped off from the Bulls line-up intro, and play a song that sounds like Christmas music (it's probably those bells) right before kickoff. Meanwhile... You've got S Carolina doing "Sandstorm". Admittedly, the song is completely played out. But what they do is pretty friggin hyped-up. And at least the song came out in '99, so they're somewhat modern. Notre Dame (holding dear all things traditional) play the Dropkick Murphys before kickoff (song came out in '05). Ohio State plays Skrillex... Alabama plays Three6 Mafia... Even Southern Illinois has a relevant/modern pre-game song...
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