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Searching 4 Chester Surles

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Everything posted by Searching 4 Chester Surles

  1. "I Can't Go For That" Subpar Original: Hall and Oates Kickass Remake: The Bird and the Bee
  2. Is downvoting allowed in this contest thread?
  3. Fine. I admit it. I googled "best covers of all time" and posted the consensus "kickass remake" the various lists agreed upon. No ragrets.
  4. NOPE! Also... Cheatham must have some connections... he's been playing pickup ball against about a dozen pros (and hanging with Drake I guess.. but NOPE!)... You can see him in the following video (grey shirt/Husker shorts)... he hits a couple threes, but allows Shabazz Napier to dagger him for the game-winner...
  5. "Old Town Road" Subpar Original: Lil Nas X Kickass Remake: KIDZ BOP
  6. Not with 7-11 still in town and open 24 hours...
  7. Tom Crean has always been a trash postseason coach. BTW, I wonder how Crean's enjoying the khachapuri over there.
  8. Bobby Newcombe 63% and 9.8 y/a.
  9. Any time I can take an opportunity to crack on that bird-haired goofball, I will gladly accept it.
  10. I can't wait until 66% of the fanbase complains about the announced musical act, and said act's genre of music. It's gonna be glorious!
  11. You damn well better keep this bit going.
  12. Aside from the season where he had a future NBA HOFer, Tom Crean has always been a trash postseason coach.
  13. Well, scratch that. The trade was made official a couple days ago, and wasn't affected by the moratorium. So Isaiah will fully participate in practice leading up to summer league and all games. Meanwhile Anthony Davis is still officially a Pelican, but participating in free agent recruiting meetings with the Lakers. Okwut? Hey @cipsucks, what were you saying about Mrs Cip's rules?
  14. Oooooh... you broke the rules and bought some illicit, swap meet Herbie gear.
  15. The ol' jump-off-two-feet-from-right-under-the-rim fast break dunk doesn't exactly scream "explosive". Also, that game was played just 10 months ago. So while he may have been 16 at the time, he's still only 17 now.
  16. I'm just sayin... the sports media blare quite a bit of Lakers news into our faces. It's even worse now with the walking soap opera LBJ out there. How bad would it be if the Lakers " were actually GOOD"? I'm sure we'll find out next season (unlike the Knicks).
  17. Yeah, I've tried that. Unless I'm missing something (some other "advanced search", a setting to be checked, a search operator to use, etc), it won't produce the desired results. See below. In doing a search for "2019" and "hhcc1819", it should produce zero results, since no thread has been (not that I can tell) tagged with both tags. Instead, it will pull up results for BOTH threads that are tagged "2019" OR "hhcc1819". So if you were to search recruit threads for the tags "2021" and "PF", it would bring back all the results that contain either tag, and you wouldn't find just the threads for 2021 PFs.
  18. Wait wut? Aren't you a Lakers fan? Pretty sure it wasn't so much the NBA, as it was the LBA, this past season. "Lakes of Our Lives".
  19. Wherever you fall on the "Herbie logo apparel" spectrum, don't let you or your loved ones fall for this scam...
  20. But in all seriousness, I have no strong feeling about Herbie apparel one way or the other. It's "cool" in a kitschy way, and I'd probably wear something with a Herbie logo on it if it was given to me, but I probably wouldn't seek it out. Having said that, all you have to do is scroll through the responses to this tweet to realize that Herbie has a massive underground appeal. I've seen quite a bit of fascination with athletic department-issued Herbie gear around the internet. Enough to believe the stuff would sell like really warm flapjacks. Ultimately, I think @HuskerFever is right. There's likely no consumer version of the Herbie gear, because it doesn't fit their cookie-cutter design/production process that they use across the college landscape. But adidas must recognize some value in the Herbie logo, if they're willing to run it out on the stuff they're outfitting the coaches in.
  21. NBA free agency is wild, man. Also, poor Knicks fan. A month ago (before the lottery) they had some pretty big dreams (AD, Zion, KD, Kyrie, etc), then they try to go cheap on KD, and end up with Julius Randle. What a mess of a franchise. Traded away Melo and Alabaster Ewing, and have nothing to show for it. Someone should confiscate the team from Dolan.
  22. Since he's French, does that mean all the "S"s in his name are silent? Possible nickname: Silent S-sassin*. * If he commits (and shoots well). Otherwise, find your own nickname with your new school kid.
  23. You wanna talk nostalgia? Look at this bad boy... nothing says "quality garment" like Tyvek®...
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