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Everything posted by huskerbill85

  1. One of my first posts on here was falling for Eichorst to be fired and this board neg voted me into oblivion. Theres a strong revisionist history on here regarding Shawn Eichorst.
  2. Would Doc have gotten to the tournament with the resources new arena/facilities?
  3. Yikes
  4. So glad I haven't watched the last 3 games
  5. I took a proper Tuesday dump just now
  6. This is seeming like BS
  7. This fan base seems to be a little different when it comes to this stuff though. Nebraska values and all. The reality is you're probably going to have to do shady things to win in college athletics.
  8. Fred has to cheat to win 7 games a year? Big oof
  9. As he should be. Its freaking Nebraska basketball if were preaching being patient with a blue blood football program we absolutely should do the same with a historically bad basketball program.
  10. Your comment back on their opening scrimmage night really has stuck with me when you mentioned their effort and some of the things they were doing. Disturbing weve continued to see the same thing in games.
  11. We will fire our way to a tournament victory its worked so well in the past
  12. What's the story with this?
  13. I've never seen the board go off like this and weve been through some lean years of Husker basketball. The effort but these players is just embarrassing and I know I've said Fred should get 2 more years but if the effort continues to be like this it will be very hard to justify.
  14. These guys look very motivated and excited to beat a highly skilled team /s
  15. Team would be better without Verge and Mayen IMO
  16. No I don't see Fred on the hot seat. Should get 2 more seasons.
  17. What happens if we win single digit games this year?
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