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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. I’m in 320, so it’s already “less dense”, but I’m genuinely concerned we might not have a FALL season... we’ll see
  2. The writers name is Chip Scoggins & he supposedly has some “insider info” AND as he also pointed out, multi millionaire players/owners quibbling over the slice of the pie while half the Country’s out of work, is more than just a “Bad Look”
  3. I heard an interview today with the Twins beat writer & he’s nearly 100% sure games will be starting 4th of July...
  4. It was a Wednesday night if I recall, certainly a week might, and Andre was actually a factor off the bench...
  5. I watched this last EVER win @ the Devaney Sportscenter at the Edina Country Club in front of a LOT of unhappy Gopher fans...
  6. I wasn’t concerned with the temporary realignment as much as I am with the NL adopting the DH. The fact there are two distinctively different Leagues is part of Baseballs charm. That being said my Twins would be in a “Division” with the Cubs & the Reds.
  7. I’m an AL guy, but the NL needs to play by their existing rules, otherwise it’s nothing more than semantics like the AFC/NFC in Football...
  8. Sounds like the NBA is thinking about dividing the teams between Orlando & Vegas, isolating them, NO fans, *maybe* finishing the season & then having some sort of Playoff. I’m torn between scrapping the WHOLE thing, cut yer losses/error on the side of caution, OR having what I described above. Same with MLB. If there’s no students on Campus, rest assured there will be NO Fall sports (nor should there be) I sadly fear the worst all the way around, with Sports being the least of our concerns.
  9. Let’s not give the PBA short shrift, (Pro Bullriding Assc.) they’re up & running too! No one in the stands, but the riders are properly PPE’d even tho they’re on an animal that could fatally gore them.
  10. He was a South Omaha Packer, NIT Champion & played on one of the Top 5 (?) Husker teams of All-time...
  11. They replayed that KU game on the board here a few weeks back. Terrence steals the ball & jams it on a breakaway to end the game!
  12. I thought Cross had the makings of a Terrence Badgett or a Bernard Garner, but no doubt he’ll benefit from playing in a “non” Power-5 setting... Good luck to him!
  13. Bailey had that whole “naughty librarian” vibe going on & was nearly as stacked as Lonnie, just hid her light under a bushel so to speak.... Let’s also not forget Lonnie (the pride of Roseville MN) was also Mrs Burt Reynolds!
  14. Here’s where I defend Tim, TWO top 4 finishes in the B1G, & 19 wins the year he got “fired.” I was hoping he’d take the Cal job, but I’m pretty sure he’ll land somewhere comparable & his overall winning percentage won’t scare people off...
  15. Any new rumors on Tim’s job prospects...?
  16. That Husker game in the photo is the ONLY game I’ve ever left early because we were getting our a** handed to us so badly... It’s funny, I listened to Mpls radio after the NFL draft (they had 5 taken) & they discussed the upcoming West race this season & beyond, the only other two programs they mentioned that they were worried about were Wisconsin & Iowa...
  17. Chapel Hill is a LONG from Omaha, & that Jordan guy & his “legacy” have been running on fumes for years... I’ve sadly missed watching the Bulls Doc, but I’m sure they gloss over the ‘95 loss to the Magic.
  18. Of course there really are no “wrong” answers to these questions, but if have some free time, watch Raquel Welch’s appearance on the Dick Cavett show.... she was in a league of her own.
  19. Anyone who says Mary Ann is a LIAR & is trying to score points by picking the homespun girl next door, attractive as she might be...
  20. It’s about time somebody had a “Hot Take” you can really sink yer teeth into...(no pun intended)
  21. I’ve been known to do a “mean” duet of Waterloo at my favorite Karaoke bar...
  22. That’ll be a WIN in Ann Arbor pushing our Conference record to 11-9...!
  23. Not that this is completely analogous, but the Celerion Research Clinic in Lincoln has CDC approval to resume NEW studies beginning in May (they had been suspended)
  24. I LOVE the Sugarcubes...!
  25. My father, who traveled extensively throughout the Atlantic rim (North Africa, Europe, Greenland etc) during the Korean War, said Iceland had the most beautiful women in the World
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