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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. On what’s been a very disappointing day for all Husker sports fans, I can’t say I’m terribly surprised. Now is the time to hunker down for the collective good, ride this out & hopefully come out the other side scarred but smarter. Oh, & much thanks for the “props” thrown out to fellow Superior alum Ed Weir...
  2. Say it ain’t so Joe, my Twins are on a collision course with destiny...
  3. As of yesterday numbers were decreasing in New Mexico & Vermont, plateauing in about 5 others, increasing in the rest. Not trying to be an alarmist, I just fear we’re in for a LONG slog...
  4. Rock Chalk Jay-Hawk... Boulder is just a bunch of trust fund hippies! And all my family went to CSU, Go Rams!
  5. NBA resumes tonight, meanwhile 48/50 States are seeing their Covid numbers rise. I fear schools re-opening even with prudent restrictions could cause these numbers to skyrocket. I worked in public education for 16 years & it’s hard to be optimistic right now...
  6. I’ll forever miss the days when there was an AL/NL East & West. You won your division or you went home. Baseball had a finality, a certitude it could Lord over ALL the other sports. Now it’s more & more watered down every year. This season will be a “one off” for sure, but then it’s back to a ONE game playoff for yer wildcards & what’s really the point of that?
  7. I think they call that a “Bro” or maybe a “shooting sleeve” all I know is I want em to win REAL bad...
  8. I know we’re supposed to refrain from politics, but is that Ted Cruz...?
  9. Could be an ALCS rematch from ‘02, but the Twins added former NL MVP Josh Donaldson to a lineup that set the All-time HR record...(307)
  10. The “soon to be” World Champion Minnesota Twins begin their Title march Friday night in Chicago vs the Pale Hose...
  11. 1. Bigger = better, there won’t be any UC Riverside or North Dakota losses. 2. At least .500 3. Yes, NBA difference makers, more Royce Whites than Andrew Whites. 4. I wish we had a power forward like Andre Smith that can score with his back to the basket. P.S. I scored an autographed Cam Mack hat @ Goodwill last week...
  12. Wasn’t he in the Backstreet Boys...?
  13. The only reason Nebraska isn’t Texas/Florida right now is because of geography & dumb luck...
  14. I’ve heard Michigan St. will be added to make it an even ten, but it’s really all just speculation at this point. I’d be more surprised if we DO have a season at this point then if we don’t.
  15. So as of now, Nebraska is down to a whopping FOUR home football games with a road trip to Rutgers highly unlikely. Volleyball is hoping to play at PBA to allow for distancing, & Basketball Men’s/Women’s who knows... I fear Professional sports will start then quickly shut down due to outbreaks & unforeseen logistical nightmares. Colleges might take their cues from there.
  16. This appears to be the “trial balloon” that will soften the blow of what I think we all know is coming...
  17. I’ve heard the Ivy League has suspended ALL Fall Sports...
  18. My Great Grandma was on one out in Prosser...
  19. I’ve usually received some info by now, but so far nothing. I have to imagine they’re up against a “drop dead” date on a lot of events here in the next few weeks...
  20. Weren’t Nieman & Standhardinger on the same Club Team in Germany? And what in the hell has kept him in Lincoln Nebraska...?
  21. I have no inside information, and yer probably right on Smith, but here’s a couple others that come to mind: Christopher Nieman, Shaun Ping...
  22. As a lifelong NFL fan & Midwest resident, I NEVER heard the term “Chiefs Kingdom” until about 5 months ago...
  23. Not only did Will Shields play American Football, he’s arguably one of the Top 5 Kansas City Chiefs of All-time...
  24. Jordy, Duby, Leslee Smith...the list goes on. Meanwhile, if Yvan’s game makes a BIG jump, (I’m just talking converting on put backs & learning to use the glass) so will our record!
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