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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. I said Thor was “about” what I expected, and based on how he played towards the end of his Sophomore year & in the B1G Tournament I don’t think that’s a stretch. BUT, I also think he’s probably hit his ceiling & if he’s playing major minutes next year, a lot of things have went wrong... He’s a 6-7th man on a REALLY good team.
  2. I’m usually overly optimistic (especially this time of year) but I’m tired of falling in love with the press clippings. Safe to say some guys will be better/worse than we expect, last season tho, most all of our players were universally sub-par. Thor, Hannif were about what I expected, Jervay/Dachon/Sumari were not. I think we have potentially MORE “good” players, so if some don’t measure up the season won’t collapse. I’m convinced Fred can take a bigger more experienced lineup back up to the .500 range...maybe more
  3. I always liked to think of him as “Baby Barkley”, was hoping he stuck around but oh well , what does that mean for Arop now & are remaining roster spots? *Also* what are the odds of seeing a “virtual” on-line Husker scrimmage late summer...? (I’m joking of course) According to Moose tho the Spring Game was the “TALK of the NATION”, forgive if I’m not swept up in the Football programs momentum.
  4. Hopefully we’ll get to see how this season plays out, with the Lakers hanging their 17th banner, BUT as of right now, I’ll just be happy if we’re all safe & sound in time for Husker hoops this Fall...
  5. I still can’t believe Lue didn’t take or wasn’t offered the Lakers job. And as remarkable as those Bulls teams were, any “Greatest Ever” discussion is rendered moot by these two names: Bill Cartwright/Luc Longley...
  6. Kid was a total class act, better days ahead...
  7. Now that Easley is out, will Arop be the next shoe to drop? If we are 9-10 deep, is he going to be part of that mix? Hard to say...
  8. It’s easy to get excited about Teddy/Delano & the Kobe’s, BUT let’s not forget, how much Kevin, Thor & especially Yvan improves will go along way in determining whether we’re a 10 win team or .500....
  9. Delano’s ”Affro” by itself is worth 5+ wins...!
  10. I’ve heard it said that girth is often better than length, while that’s a matter of opinion, I’m looking forward to NEVER seeing another 8/30 night @ the free throw line...
  11. I hear ya with the “green light” but there’s a big difference between a green light & a chucker. Just cuz you can shoot doesn’t mean you should. Lots of exciting pieces on the roster next year, but I think it goes without saying Teddy Allen will be the MAN!
  12. I can live with that starting 5, but based on nothing but a hunch I think King gets his waiver, & Fred seems to have a soft spot for Cross so he still might be more than just a role player (but he HAS to be more discriminate with his shots)
  13. How bout South Dakota native & former Florida “great” Mike Miller....?
  14. This time last year I thought we had the makings of Billy Tubbs’s Oklahoma or Loyola Marymount Bo Kimble/Hank Gathers era squad...however age & wisdom have tempered my enthusiasm to ONLY a top ten B1G finish!
  15. Hunter Sallis will play as a true freshman...
  16. That’s the exception NOT the norm, the main reason Donavan Williams is headed to Oklahoma St. & not here is because he didn’t want to be buried on the bench or Red shirt. In a perfect World it would be nice to have 2-3 of these players every year who have a chance to be “major” contributors & not just bit players.
  17. Three pointer shooters: I’ll say newbies, Allen, Mayen & returning Cross, Easley. Kevin & Charlie I think will improve or return to the “Norm” so to speak, even tho both will probably have their minutes drop...
  18. My “Poster Schedule” from last season is already a collectors item since almost ALL of the players are gone...
  19. I’d only swap out Kansas for Baylor, since I haven’t gotten over the beating they laid on us in ‘14, their embarrassing squint “yellow” uniforms & the fact Waco sucks...
  20. Back then they only brought Dicky V out for the “Marquee Match-ups”... this was during the Big 8 Hey day, not only were there 3 teams in the Elite 8 in ‘88, KU-OU-Mizzou all spent time @ #1 during the ‘90 season, KU in the Final vs Duke, we played the Fab 5, & of course our Big 8 Tourney run in ‘94....
  21. Gary Bargen’s folks were our neighbors in Superior...
  22. Makes that 7 win season seem LIGHT years away...
  23. I’m ALL over that, Jamar Johnson with the game winner @ the buzzer if memory serves me...
  24. In my defense Samari was “Mr Basketball” in a State NOT named North/South Dakota. And it’s FAR from a stretch to think Sallis will be a “FOY” candidate somewhere, I’m just hoping like the rest of of us it’s in Lincoln!
  25. Hey let’s not forget I wanted Brady Heiman to start with Copeland/Palmer/Roby/Watson... think of that frontline!
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