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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. According to the OWH, sounds like Miles is ready to crank it up to "40 Minutes of Hell" Razorbacks & Billy Tubb's era Sooners. I for one welcome it & maybe it might quite the Scott Frost talk for a bit.
  2. All we do is WIN, ALL we do is WIN!!!
  3. I sat through ALL of game 7 (yawn) that has to count for something...
  4. That scrimmage against the Cyclones got me waxing nostalgic about the Ol' Big 8. The Lloyd Noble Center, Jay Randolf, the Antlers, K-State's lavender jerseys, Darnell Valentine. Which brings us to Kansas. From '85 to '95 we went toe to toe with some very good Kansas teams. They've had our number more often than not since then, but I'm excited to get the Jayhawks back in Lincoln. I know they're picked to win the Big XII ( again) but losing Jackson and Mason will have a greater impact then the "experts" will lead you to believe. We're due for a stunner, and knocking off KU would really set the tone for the season. Hell, if Derrick Vick and Co. could do it, why not Jim Palmer and the boys?
  5. According to Miles, sounds like Isaac, Anton & Jordy need to "shake off the rust" regarding their respective injuries. I don't expect Copeland to be a 20/10 guy a night, but I DO believe he'll find his shot before we get to Christmas.
  6. I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that Isaac lights up the Cyclones today...
  7. To quote Eddie Albert from the Longest Yard, "That's the biggest crock of horses**t I've ever heard in my life".
  8. I raised this question in a different thread but wanted to speak to it directly. Assuming Jordy, Isaac, Evan, Jim & Glynn start, that means the next 5 off the bench, in no particular order are Anton, Isiah, Jack, Tom & Okeke. I get that Freshman want to play NOW & supposedly Nana is a deadeye shooter, but if you're the 6th man off the bench is that really "playing"? Given his slight frame, our legitimate depth, & the spot PT he's looking at, I think it behooves him and the Program to Redshirt.
  9. Glue Guy = Kurt Rambis
  10. Now if we can just get him in some underwear ads...
  11. I'd be surprised if Nana and Thor didn't redshirt. No sense burnin' a year if they're not going to get any real minutes.
  12. Not saying they won't be missed, I'd rather still have them on the roster than not, but it isn't like Dr. J & George Gervin left the program...
  13. And yet nobody's posted "Lumberjack" by Jackyl with the chainsaw solo, how can that be?
  14. I'd say Copeland and Palmer are the best of the whole lot without even considering Okeke. Let's not forget, for all of the hand wringing over the departure of Jacobson and Morrow, neither one of them could shoot a lick.
  15. I'm with you, anything we get from this kid is gravy.
  16. I think yer spot on with Goldy the Gopher Norm. With an improved Jordy (right?) and the addition of Copeland and Palmer, our front court should have a better chance of matching up with their big forwards, AND it's at home. We need to get as many wins as we can against the upper half of the B1G if we want to go dancin' and this would be a good start.
  17. UCF is playing Navy & it's option attack this weekend and guess who's simulating their QB in practice? 42 year old Coach Frost. How badass is that?
  18. Needless to say that's gonna be a "Meat Grinder" so we better man up, bow the neck, GATA, & send a card home to Momma...
  19. There's no reason Watson shouldn't make an All-B1G team, and if we hit on half of the other questions he raises we'll be solid. 13th place my a**!
  20. Let's just hope he's NOT all hat and NO cattle...
  21. Or former Oregon OC #7 from Wood River?
  22. Does that mean Mike Leach is on his way...
  23. I've always felt Lee B gives a clear eyed, fair assessment of the program. He will NEVER be mistaken for a Husker ball washer. That being said, by his standards yesterdays column was down right giddy to the point you could swear he was holding Pom Poms. But, everything he said was right. This squad has an eerie feel to 90/91, coming off a 10 win season you got back a healthy Reid, added Farmer & Pike and well we all know the rest. I like the way this roster is shaping up, and if their the worst team in the B1G I'll eat my hat!
  24. Copeland & Allen could easily blossom into "Stars" and there's no reason to think we won't have a surprising amount of depth. Let all the Debbie Downers think whatever they want.
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