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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. Ahh... he wasn’t any good anyway (right?) plus he’s stuck playing Creighton twice a year AND living in Milwaukee.
  2. He’s Fred’s doppelgänger, looks like there’s a new “Mayor” in town!
  3. LOTS of damage around Indian Village... rain picking up again.
  4. AND he brought back Doc Sadler! Absolutely no one saw that comin’ (at least I didn’t)...
  5. I wasn’t trying to be “mean spirited” just pointing out that Mizzou’s ‘O8 success lasted about as long as a fart in the wind. I like to think what we accomplish here will be ongoing & lasting, not just a flash in the pan.
  6. The addition of Anthony Davis to the roster will go a LONG ways towards changing the narrative in L.A. for BOTH Lue and LeBron. All these fools online last summer thought James was a one way ticket to the Finals, then he took a 35 win team to 37. It's time to cut the dead weight ( see ya Ball/Ingram) get Zion in the lottery, then save up for my "Bron & the Brow" T-shirt!
  7. Our Basketball success will be more sustained and consistent & I will never EVER compare anything the "U" does to that hillbilly school in Colombia MO... so there
  8. Once Fred/Doc & Co. get this thing turned around “recruiting wise” it’s going to happen fast, as I think we’ve already seen. Then we’ll REALLY start to see the cache’ this staff has, the wins & recruits will pile one upon the other & Nebraska will become that “Sleeping Giant” of a program that people have been secretly frightened of for years...
  9. Interesting to see Tim’s last team came in higher than his 4th place team from ‘18, and BOTH ranked lower than Doc’s (shortest team in D1squad) of ‘08...
  10. I lived in the Twin Cities for 25 years & would venture to guess I’ve seen more Timberwolves Basketball then anyone else in Nebraska. Fred was a big part of their zenith, the Western Conference Finals in ‘04 vs the Lakers with Cassell, Sprewell & KG. When he moved to the front office, it was assumed he would take over for Flip when he stepped down. His success at ISU only fanned the flames further, and when he was interviewed on 10/11 last night it hit me all over again. Fred Hoiberg is OUR Coach, & what he’s accomplished the 1st month on the job is nothing short of remarkable...
  11. Andrew Drevo, yes Once upon a time our best The Bluejays still suck
  12. Robbie was also a fine Billy Joe Mcallister...
  13. According to Sjuuts on 10/11 ( for whatever that’s worth) Harris is planning on returning. Of the 3 mentioned, I’d say he is the most likely to stay & I would hope be a real contributor.
  14. Pure speculation here, does Brady see the writing on the wall? Johnson committing? In over his head to some degree, or just a lack of PT moving forward? I thought he’d be more of a factor last year, but he wasn’t playing at the end even when we were out of players...
  15. The only thing worse than Jayskers, will be Cyclone fans glomming onto our program. Never forget ISU stands for I-Screwed-Up...
  16. If Trueblood wants to pursue a Coaching career (as he’s stated) don’t you think he would benefit from a year under Hoiberg? Just something to think about...
  17. If we can get ahold of the BIG Johnson, we won’t miss Roby’s length as much... but that gap between 15-25 isn’t as hairy as you might think ?
  18. I got my tattoos from a guy named Ira in South Omaha the night we beat OU 117-113 in the Big 8 tourney...
  19. OR... Loyola-Marymount Gathers/Kimble edition, & vintage OU Sooners with Coach Tubbs!
  20. I’ll open the bidding with 7 games. With the pace, number of 3s, number of elite shooters and a relatively easier Non-con schedule I don’t see why we can’t hit 100 more than once in awhile...
  21. I’m being somewhat sarcastic about the sellout streak (not in doubt) & our love affair with Coach Frost. BUT, all those empty seats during blowout home losses helped Callahan & Riley right out the door. Meanwhile, can’t wait to see who else Hoiberg landed after this past weekend...
  22. He’s still projected as a mid to late 2nd Rounder. Is that good enough? We’ll found out soon enough... Was still shocked Stanley Morgan wasn’t drafted, maybe he wasn’t fast enuff to separate in the NFL. At least the sellout streaks still safe as long as Frost’s in town.
  23. Is it too soon for “French Connection” jokes? You’ve heard of the Greek Freak, how bout the “Parisian Post” or the “Baguette of Basketball” maybe the “Clouseau of the Crossover”... But seriously ? the kids just 17, wait til he puts on his “Man Muscles” let’s get him!
  24. I’ll never go out of my way to “Dawg” Georgia, but we aren’t traveling there to scrimmage the Hawks in August. Can’t wait to get an up close look at what Fred/Doc will cook up and unleash on an unsuspecting B1G. I’m putting the over/under Plain Dealer pre-season prediction at 11...
  25. How much is a flight to Italy? I hear it’s lovely in late summer...
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