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CanadianHusker last won the day on March 1 2023

CanadianHusker had the most liked content!

About CanadianHusker

  • Birthday 01/17/1976

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    Kitchener, Ontario

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  1. Couldn’t agree more!!! At least Berke is the only one with additional eligibility. Berke and Mast could be very effective in Fred’s offense.
  2. Top 30??? At least I made all the picks! Skiing in New York near Lake Placid. Maybe it’s the 2 beers talking while the kids are on the hills.
  3. I saw Cale take that one to the jaw watching on tv. Maybe we need more flippers who will embellish whatever fluke happens so we can get some calls too.
  4. To all of you who faithfully posted through all of the good and the bad this season (I couldn’t do it)… And to @hhcmatt and all of you that make this board so great… Thanks! GBR! And here’s to a win or 2 in the Big Dance next year!!!
  5. Crayton has to do something for entertainment…I thought about saying, “I’m the IT guy on the board and I now have control of your desktop, you little piece of shit, sweater vest wearing crybaby! And I’ve changed your screensaver permanently to Herbie Husker beating the ever living shit out of Grant Gibbs. Enjoy!!!”
  6. By the way…favourite post of the year, maybe all time! I was worried I would get a ban from the board for going after him so thanks for leading the way! GMFBR!!!!
  7. Loved the heart! Frustrated that only Brice was allowed to shoot in OT and we involved no one else. Where is the offensive mastermind? Pissed at the refs! It’s the hope that kills you…
  8. NU 89 Iowa 72 FUF (That’s short for Feel Unsettled Fran!)
  9. You know what’s worse than losing a heartbreaker in 2OT. Being a worthless piece of shit troll to the heartiest fans in basketball. If you think your dumb fucking comment is incredible, just wait til your little sweater vests get their asses kicked again by the Huskers next year. Have fun on the plantation!
  10. He’s a fucking troll! Kick him off the board!!!
  11. FO!!!!! Did you watch the bullshit non calls of 2 clear technical fouls right in front of the refs and the travelling right at the end of the game on the out of bounds play???!!! Get this troll off the board!!! @hhcmatt This dude is a troll for sure!!! Go back cheering for Crayton!!!
  12. Th e refs didn’t call a tech when they were taunting Essegian (right in front of the refs) and of course there’s no tech when you slam the ball on the ground!!! And then when it’s a clear jump ball it’s a foul???!!!! FFS!!!! Fucking bullshit!!!!
  13. I got an idea. How about we move the ball a little on offense in the 2 OT? Please!
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