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Everything posted by uneblinstu

  1. I think that begs the "why" question even more. Why did it take nearly 3 years to get organized and focused? I thought that was going to be a hallmark of this program? That kind of thing *should* be the first thing to get in place, not the last resort. Was the vote of confidence, or whatever that was, from Trev a wake-up call? I haven't seen warm-ups much this year, so if that changed at halftime on Friday, that's so baffling to me. If things change from here on out as long as Fred's here, cool, but why wasn't it always that way? We all know he wants pace and space and player freedom, but the paradox is that boundaries, guard rails and expectations actually bring freedom, not the absence of those things.
  2. I mean, we all saw that one coming, right? That's the effort we're going to expect from here on out. It's what it should have been all along. It's what it can be moving forward. It makes you mad it took so long to show up, sure, but if they're going to get it turned around, that kind of effort needs to be the foundation.
  3. It’s no Maui invitational, but yes I believe that is correct
  4. The first two years I saw them get a lot of shots they wanted in almost every game they played. They just didn’t execute at a very high level. This year, I didn’t see as much of that. I don’t think the scheme is the issue.
  5. Without being in the room and knowing what the “metrics” are, there’s just way too many variables to make a blanket statement about what needs to happen or not for him to come back next year. Too complex to answer ahead of time. Just have to see how it plays out and what it looks like.
  6. They’re playing in a holiday tournament, too
  7. New contact. Same old story. Same old song and dance.
  8. I think Walker is a good basketball player. We need more good basketball players. I welcome any good players that want to stay in the program.
  9. Maybe it’s still to come?
  10. Me too, @Norm Peterson, me too.
  11. I'm really hoping with this new lease on life from Coach is able to make good changes that result in winning. I'd like nothing more than for him to turn it around and be a really successful coach. The past three seasons would suggest otherwise, but I'll continue to hope he bucks the trend. (And like @nustudent, I'm also excited to see another top 30 recruiting class come in the fold and am hopeful the PG choice they make is a better one than the last one or three)
  12. I mean, he's kinda been saying it for a while now. He was a little more direct about it today, but he's been at this conclusion for a while.
  13. I stopped watching a while ago. I'm assuming the game's over, or close to it...
  14. I don't think that's the same thing at all. And it is a major indictment. It might be the one that ends up costing Fred his job. I think he thought he could coach that part of their game up. If that was the case, he clearly miscalculated. I've seen enough of his reactions to things they do (or don't do) during games that indicate to me they've gone over this stuff with them. So, a big part of that conversation with Trev, if he lets Fred make a case for keeping him around, has to be what is he going to do to achieve different results. It's painfully obvious to everyone that something has to change. It's going to be up to Trev to determine what exactly.
  15. I think there's more truth to the statement that the Nebraska job is a lot harder than people want to admit. But not as hard as Fred's making it look
  16. Nope. A year younger. A year older and he still wouldn't have been on campus when the change was made. A year younger and I think Hoiberg and Co. could have had enough time to build that relationship. The Hepburn camp are on record saying that Hoiberg did everything right, they just didn't have the time to make up the ground.
  17. I know a lot of KU fans that were so happy KSU made that run.
  18. Chucky will forever haunt Nebraska basketball. Miles had him in the fold. That was a done deal. But the change was too much for NU to overcome at that time. If he'd been a year younger, I think it could have been a different story. Maybe. Who knows...
  19. This might be higher on the qualification list of the next head coach than some might think initially. If there's a candidate that already has inroads in some of those circles, that could be a separator. Miles figured it out probably two years too late. The current (recruiting) coach may or may not have ever figured it out. The next coach needs to figure it out from day one. That said, Loesner seems to have been active in some of the top players in coming classes in the state.
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