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Everything posted by trickey

  1. I would be willing to be a top 100 team if we are an autobid on the inside looking out!
  2. Maybe it can be explained in the same manner that down votes can result from improper semicolon usage or (heaven forbid) the dreaded ellipsis. In this case, perhaps there is a perceived problem with hetrographs; when you used real for reel. ? (Most likely from talking to your computer. So, perhaps it is really a computer issue.) In any event, I agree with you and more than fixed it for you.
  3. You were lucky. I had to walk out from the stadium in the 7th inning. I am a guy who rarely leaves a game early. I often tell my wife of being one of about 500 people left in a sold out CWS 1973 game when Dave Winfield pitched Minnesota to a 7-0 lead in the ninth. Winfield to the outfield and USC to score on home plate 8 times. So, imagine my wife's surprise (and pleasure) when I said "That's all I can stands, I can't stands no more."
  4. Huggins signed a 6'7" guard last week. They were then one scholarship over the limit. It makes you pause to wonder if Huggins and Ted had "the talk". https://www.wvnews.com/sports/wvu/huggins-lands---guard/article_7037f401-6ebf-56be-b85e-d4ff790b9d6b.html
  5. This has been my early speculation. Gates came from a clean NW program. Then he shows up in Florida only to discover the head coach has differing expectations of how to land a recruit. Gates does not want to meet the FBI...so he leaves.
  6. ESPN, in it's way to early projections for 2019 tournament gives the Huskers a #9 seed. https://247sports.com/college/nebraska/ContentGallery/ESPN-releases-updated-way-too-early-projected-NCAA-Tournament-bracket-117871309/27# (It is #27 in one of those goofy slideshow time wasters. So, if you want to get to it you should fast forward.)
  7. Hey, What's Going On? Somebody has to demand a recount! We can't celebrate until next March.
  8. Could somebody please refresh my recollection or teach me something I missed? I saw this as part of an article: What I saw on Saturday ***Former players were everywhere. And even the ones that weren't in Lincoln tweeted about the spring game. I thought it was cool that Ndamukong Suh even made a public message in support of Frost and the Huskers. It was a big step in the right direction for the relationship with NU and Suh, as things went pretty dark following a 2013 incident with Suh and with former Athletic Director Shawn Eichorst following the Northwestern game. With new leadership now at NU, it appears the past is the past. What was this about?
  9. Well, I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home And I ain't done nothing wrong, But I can't find my way home.
  10. Here is a story saying no to UConn. https://nebraska.rivals.com/news/johnson-requests-receives-release-from-nli-to-nebraska
  11. There you go!
  12. God, you made me recall I left out David Bowie. I should be horse whipped! Also, I forgot Frank Zappa. Both in my favorites. While we are at it, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Edvard Grieg and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart all would have been fantastic rock musicians.
  13. Beatles Who Kinks Doors Rolling Stones Grateful Dead Jethro Tull U2 Janice Joplin Van Morrison Green Day Jimi Hendrix Moody Blues The above is in some kind of order; the order is somewhat fluid. I needed to say that...so I could use a semicolon.
  14. Well, we all finished in the Top Twenty-Five. I like the sound of that!
  15. I am totally sure they would have hired him as the best man for the job...even if all his children were girls. Yeah, right.
  16. Wait a minute! If you are going to list the top 4 teams in each conference...don't you have to list Nebraska?
  17. April 3, 2018 @ 1:08 PM
  18. Damn... I am on vacation and my wife ends up in the hospital (blood clots) and for the first time this year I forget to enter a score! Good bye # 4 position! Then to kick me in the teeth, I read how well I did against the spread etc....and I forgot to bet!
  19. Yet, next time on the court...watch out!
  20. After making the elite 8 we win 3 more, duh AWH!!! You ruined it!
  21. Well, my dream scenario is: 1) We win the NIT 2) The underclassmen ALL come back 3) Daum does transfer to NU 4) Huskers in the Elite 8 5) The rest would be yet to be determined Anticipation is a really good feeling! And UNFINISHED BUSINESS is the mindset and motto.
  22. Put on your blue vest and drink a beer in the end zone. And remember for more than 20 of those years the Huskers kicked your butt.
  23. Another internet myth!
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