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Everything posted by trickey

  1. Welcome, new member...participate, and have fun!
  2. I called over and over today to see if I could upgrade from row 25 in section 119....but by the time I could get through (with work interfering, as well)...the answer was no. Still we are stoked to get this train a rollin' down the tracks....gathering speed!
  3. When was the last time Norm held himself under 1,000 words for a day?...much less after his virgin arena experience? Norm today spent 500 words on dreamin' on this still imaginary experience in another thread (ok...it was 466...but who's counting?) If you want to throw down a true challenge....set an over/ under # and make Norm bet under! On second thought...don't shut down the friendly guy at the end of the bar that you can rely on....Your wish will be his destiny....but you might need to buy him a beer sometime.
  4. There has always been availability during student breaks....about a week before the game put a shout out on here to get tickets....you will be sure of getting in.
  5. One advantage of members only...it makes people sign up (and perhaps participate) rather than lurking, which I did for quite a while until I realized I needed to join to get the info I wanted about recruits.
  6. From your lips to God's ears!
  7. Who U calling Old Fart, Old Fart? P.S. Sincerely, Another old fart.
  8. Who U calling Old Fart, Old Fart?
  9. In the immortal words of Joe Biden, "that's a big effing deal." Ouch. I think he would have an easier time explaining getting ticketed in a Lincoln park for sitting in a car with a girl who happens to be naked from the waist up than unleashing an f bomb tirade on the people who pay your salary. I think someone will need a whiskey/Nyquil chaser tonight..... Cip, Is that someone you?...If so, pour me one too. By the way....There is a storm coming!
  10. Tim M is a guy who just keeps workin' it. Step by step...inch by inch, he moves forward, as relentless as the ice age glaciers... Thank God he wil transform this program B4 I leave this earth... Now, I will never learn how the REALLY old Cubs fans feel. TG.
  11. Walter is working it! Keep it up until ER takes flight in Lincoln. https://twitter.com/ElbertRobinson8/status/378356246971027456
  12. Tim Miles....well you never said "player". But if he is better than I think, then we are in for a great decade! Where do we put the new trophies in the arena?
  13. "Maybe Xavier. maybe..."???? Have some more KOOL-AID.
  14. My avatar-friend use to dated this bitch! She was a cutey!
  15. Vicariously. Then let's chill on the character attacks. He's a public figure. It comes with the job. I don't think anyone has a problem with you disagreeing with what he writes and having a counter argument or opposing view and expressing that. That does come comes with the job and I'm confident he's fine with that. Calling the guy a dick or a douche, IMO, is a character attack, or a personality attack, whatever you want to call it. If you've never actually met the guy and/or interacted with him to base that claim on, then I do think that's out of bounds. Will you defend Aaron Craft like this when he takes a beating here when we play tOSU? I don't remember anyone defending him last year. Actually, I remember saying something like: "He is a player you love to hate. Yet, if he is on your team, you love to have." I think that was at least a quasi-defense!
  16. I wish I had started drinking before I read this. Thank god there is still time.
  17. Norm...Is this like a shy kidney?
  18. Norm, sorry for the silence...however, if I read and post to often from work, when I should actually be working! I may not be able to afford the new tickets I upgraded to in the lower bowl! Wish I was retired and surfing ... not quite there...just like this program, yet I am convinced we are both close!
  19. OK, I cheated a bit...but, that day will come!
  20. I am sure you are joking...since Lincoln is as starved as a concentration camp survivor when it comes to concerts....the management is using a shotgun approach that is designed to reach everyone at least once (make them appreciate that the arena is here)...then once they satisfy the general tastes of the city, they concentrate more on what students want for music....they will present both fine music and broad appeal shows that have not been willing to come to Pershing for years. (It was a dump when I was in school from the late 60's to the mid 70's) This project (including all the still to come buildings) is a home run that makes most others pale in comparison!
  21. Why can't you rate us higher than PSU? So, there. I've moved us into 10th place. Hey, it's better than a kick in the butt. That's not much higher than 12th I don't know, Norm....at least I felt better about it last year when I could see we were not holding up the bottom of the pyramid. I am not sure who may fall below us, but we should climb to at least the 8/9 position this year.... and hopefully gain enough experience along the way that getting to the NIT Final 4 is not out of the question!! ?/! We need to progress...It is the Miles' way! (Norm, I do recall you mentioned 6th place earlier in this thread...FROM YOUR FINGERS TO GOD"S EYES!...this age of technology) I always want "my players" aiming higher than I should reasonable expect...however, the above is a step I believe this team can make. Some of the naysayer articles we have seen don't seem to recognize our redshirts exist or that the incoming freshmen have at least a modicum of talent....for instance, see the article 49r posted earlier... http://board.huskerhoopscentral.com/topic/2762-bt-powerhouse-three-reasons-nebrasketball-will-be-better-in-2013/ Complimentary article about why we should be better....but there is not one freshmen or transfer mentioned....and this from people that purport to know what they are talking about! Let them be surprised. I know we have not seen the newbies much (and we may be drinking Kool-Aid) but TM's history tells me the Kool-Aid is good so...believe, step forward and drink up. GATA
  22. Cold crow, eh? Hmmmm. I think my personal preference would be warm to hottish for the crow. Pan sear it in some reserved bacon fat and then deglaze the pan with a little port wine and make a reduction with shallots and cremini mushrooms. Crumble the bacon and add it back into the sauce and serve with the crow over a bed of polenta. Now, the revenge, yes, best cold. No question. With toast points and a nice Chardonnay. You forgot your wine pairing for the crow, Norm. Tsk! I'd pair it with a pilsner or maybe an IPA. How 'bout dat? I don't believe the idea of somebody else eating crow calls for anything else that is good...certainly not as good as IPA....how about serving Mad Dog 20/20 or Night Train?
  23. Well, we start out on top.
  24. While walking around...it was great to note, they not only sell beer but they had carts/signs that indicated they sell more than the watery pilsners, including at least stands I noted from Empyrean Brewing and Dos Equis...they will not be open for the BBall games (yet) but other events will apparently have better options. An employee told me today that if the open house went well, they were planning on opening the arena for football games, with beer service. If they would open that Empyrean stand, I might be tempted to leave a blow out early! However, given the defensive effort Saturday, this may take a while.
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