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Everything posted by hhcmatt

  1. It's an argument that you shouldn't coach just like it's an argument that when someone comes into an office sick because of some important thing or because they're very tough and then a couple weeks later everyone in the office is sick. Now I'm sick because 'Bill from accounting' didn't stay home for a day but we weren't finished with the corporate taxes so what were we supposed to do? I very much understand why Hoiberg coached and if he had to do it all over again he probably still does because that is what he is there to do. I can also see why he shouldn't have though.
  2. Whomever you can get to give you an answer
  3. Great call in question for the coach's show
  4. I know Rob Dausler was saying it was irresponsible to let him coach and now that we know he had flu and he knew that he had the flu before he coached the game it's a pretty valid argument because this is also a contagious disease. While I'm sure people on twitter were agreeing with this I am not seeing where Steven Q Media was "blasting Fred". I've seen people complaining about people blasting Fred on twitter and here...just not the actual blasting though maybe it's just because it didn't show up on my timeline. Who specifically is saying this?
  5. Was I the closest with my guess of 4:05 of when Doc Sadler would become the acting coach of Nebraska basketball?
  6. Given how today has gone this feels like the old 'doctor telling you that you have heartburn' TV trope. Great to get confirmation that the entire team isn't going to end up in quarantine. Also, Influenza A isn't the common cold but whatever!
  7. Wish Banks would have gotten the dunk on that Vedral pass
  8. How is this statement somehow anywhere close to better?
  9. According to his son he got cleared before the game
  10. We had a bunch of illnesses earlier with the team. Did the coach finally catch that at an extremely inopportune time?
  11. That seems to be what happened.
  12. Yeah if he tested positive for a known flu strain it would come back quickly
  13. Who is blasting Fred?
  14. To piggyback on this, the rate at which COVID-19 spreads is a concern because if we say half of the population will contract this and just a fraction will be sick enough to be hospitalized, we're still talking about a lot of people. The population of Lincoln is 284k. Half of that is 142k. 1% of that is 1,420. Is that 1420 people over a month or 3 months or 6 months. It's about mitigating.
  15. SARS while being more dangerous, was much more containable. It took until days after you showed signs to be contagious. With Covid-19 you are contagious before you show signs. Given how much feet were drug about this we barely have the ability to test which is part of why there are so few confirmed cases.
  16. Maybe I'm reading something different than what you're reading but it seems like it's more about someone administratively above Hoiberg telling him not to coach tonight.
  17. Hearing the team is currently quarantined in the locker room
  18. That doesn't seem like a better option
  19. 'It wasn't so bad, everyone overreacted' is the best case sceanrio for something that has become a pandemic
  20. Seems inevitable at this point that if the NCAA tournament is played that it will be in empty stadiums
  21. With the lack of crowd bit he's clearly talking about Northwestern or Penn St here
  22. Doc had to leave his Mountain Dew keg at home
  23. Can't see how we would play 2 guys at the same time who can't shoot beyond the FT line so Yvan, Walker, and Sanogo would only play at the 5. If Sanogo happens to be so good that he plays 30 minutes and Walker and Yvan are fighting to be the backup that's great but everything I know about young post players tells me that wouldn't be the case.
  24. I've seen zero indication that Whitt is going to reclassify to 2021. In fact just saw he had his AAU lined up for this summer.
  25. Whenever anyone does well more people think they are going to stay and when people slump more people think they are going to leave.
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