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About jamar1700

  • Birthday December 25

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  • Interests
    MN Twins, MN Vikings, Husker Hoops, dogs, reading, shopping (cuz I really am a girl)

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  1. The farther away you park the easier it is to get out. Of course you have to actually use your footmobiles a bit more to get there but that is also good for you. Win, win. My son and I were at the Cincy game and stayed to the bitter end. Walked a couple + blocks to the car and got right out of there and back to Omaha within the hour.
  2. Wow. That WAS really odd.
  3. Tonight? Homemade doggy treats. Smash a ripe banana in bowl and mix in... 2/3 cup old fashioned oats 1 cup oat flour* 1 beaten egg 3 tablespoons peanut butter Roll into 24 smallish balls and press down. Bake in 300 degree oven for 30 to 40 mn.** *just process your oats in a food processor for a couple of mn and you have oat flour (who knew?) **my old girl prefers them a bit moist so I only leave them in for 30 mn. and I score them before I put them in so they break in half easily.
  4. Don't forget the way the season started. If someone had told me at the end of noncon that we would be sitting here waiting I would have taken it in a heartbeat. So I refuse to be disappointed if we do not get in this season
  5. Really? Shatel has been such an a-hole about Nebraska Basketball for so long that I could care less what he has to say now. He can go kiss some more Creighton butt & keep ignoring us for all I care. But I am not bitter or anything
  6. *faints* I consider Kent a huge reason that I became a Nebraska Basketball fan when I moved here in the early 80s. And in the process I turned my 3 kids into fans. And their respective spouses & significant others. It was part of my daughters wedding vows. Really. Thank you for your passion Kent. It means everything. Edited for clarity and because I CAN spell
  7. I was just watching from home but I did not sit down. Not one time. I went from "we can so do this" to " here we go again" to "we are going to do this!" But I never ever sat down on this team
  8. Is is wrong of me to hope that the bandwagon runs over a few people?
  9. US ... used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people as the object of a verb or preposition. ALWAYS ... at all times; on all occasions. Mash them together and you get a phrase indictating teamwork & togetherness, for an ifinite amout of time. There is no I in US ALways. I got my shirt
  10. I have gotten over not being able to find BB stuff at the regular stores. I have not gotten over seeing Creighton stuff at the Husker Hounds in West O.
  11. AMEN! I tell anyone who will listen that he is a major major reason I moved here in the 80s and became a Husker Hoops fan long before I became a Husker Football fan
  12. Obvious answer... Anyone! Don't sell anyone short. You just never know.
  13. Shatel. Also known for saying he didn't mind the idea of girl's athletics he just didn't want it shoved down his throat. Leading God to bless him with baby girls, or so my daughter and her HS team-mates believe. I spoke to Matt about it once and he remembered it well.
  14. I remember the column eviscerating Matt Davison for his decision to play for Nee, sullying his legacy as a football player. That was when it went over the top IMO. And when I stopped reading that particular column. Forever Edited for spelling
  15. I feel some of the hype (if not most) is related to the way things have gone wrong in prior off-seasons. In the past these drama's always seemed to play out the wrong way. This could be seen as the last hurdle to a "clean" start to the season. And another corner turned for the program. JMHO
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