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Everything posted by REDitus

  1. I think the Leslie Smith comparison is a good one. I hope he stays here in Lincoln for the summer. I think it helps to have a teammate or two work together on their games vs on your own.
  2. I think Yvan has a promising future. I have not seen him play live but folks are describing a power athlete, an athlete that is not fast twitch but is geared more towards power. In watching him in highlights he might also be mixed muscle. I think he needs to model his game after Maric. Maric was definitely in the endurance/power muscle group. Maric was not a leaper but was very good in positioning for rebounding and defense. Offensively, he learned how to pin guys and developed a go to move and a counter move to improve his offensive game. I think that is what Yvan needs to do. The hands issue is of concern but I don't think we can come to a conclusion on that yet. As freshmen some players are hesitant and fumble fingered because they get ahead of themselves and are rushing. It could also be a strength in the hand issue which can be solved by off season weight training. Or it could be a legitimate case of stone hands. I haven't necessarily seen that but again I haven't seen him live.
  3. So to summarize would this be correct? Burke - Moving on Mack - Moving on Green - Moving on Arop - Staying? Easley - Staying but not on a 'ship? Thor - Staying Cross - Staying Yvan - Staying Returning Redshirts: Walker,Stevenson,Banton Incoming: Mayan,Allen,Webster
  4. I think Allen can score. I wouldn't say he is a super athlete but he does have some strength and I think Hoiberg can get him open. I am hoping that Banton and Stevenson are guys that creates mismatch problems. So that is where my optimism starts. There's no fun in taking a pestimistic view. Thor improved his shot quite a bit this year I am hoping some of that is due to the new coaches so I am hoping other players will improve this summer. 2nd year should be better. We shall see.
  5. Sweet! Welcome Mr Webster! I think this is great. I think it insures that we have depth at every position. With Webster in the rotation at point Banton can play other positions besides point as well. That's important as we don't know if King will be eligible or not.
  6. It is good news to hear that Thor and Yvan are likely back. Between Yvan and Walker the center spot is covered. Cross if he choses to come back could then play the 4 and compete at the 5 as needed. Thor coming back really helps out the middle of the lineup and our flexibility. I think it frees up Stevenson to compete more at the 4 spot which I think would be more adventageous for us. Thor can play 2 or 3 and fill in at point in emergencies. Then if King is eligible you are in good shape. I think the PG spot to rotate in with Banton is the main thing that needs to be figured out. I think that should be a recruiting point of emphasis.
  7. If you just count the guys sitting out and the new recruits who you know for sure are eligible(given they make grades) it would be Banton,Allen,Stevenson,Lat,Walker. You got every position covered and it's a good start. Looks even better if King gets immediate eligibility. Then once the silly season gets going we will find out who is coming back out of Thor,Yvan,Cross,Arop,Green,Mack. I hope they all come back but we will probably lose 3-4? I think Yvan and Cross are most likely to stay. For Thor it depends when he graduates and if he wants to go euro-pro? Arop I think is 50/50? Green and Mack look iffy? Is that the current thought?
  8. I think the future is bright for Yvan. Rebounding is always a nice skill to bring to the game. His offense got better and his defense will get better. I think Nebraska should some potential this year and it was fun at times. I saw enough for me to believe that Hoiberg can coach and he has a good staff. I think Hoiberg's steady personality will get us there. Since I had no expectations for this year I remain optimistic. I think they have some nice players sitting in the wings. I look forward to next year.
  9. I would like to see Arop return and I would like to see him redshirt next year. I am an old fogey that thinks redshirt years are invaluable. I think it will be challenging to crack the lineup next year but in time I think he has value as a role player like others are saying. I think his future would be best as a PF.
  10. Summer plan for the team. 1) Shoot 50 FT's before the start of every workout. If you don't shoot 70% then you shoot 10 more until you do. (Give up when you reach 100) 2) Workout 3) Repeat step 1 at the end of every workout
  11. This lineup intrigues me the most 1) Cam - IMHO - The most impactful player we had this year. Would like to see him distribute just a bit more as he tries to do too much sometimes. Improve defensively. Good player. 2) Banton - Hoping the chatter on the board is accurate. 3) Allen - I think he's a scorer that fits Hoiberg's offense to a T. 4) Stevenson. Want that pop-out 4 that can shoot at a better % or put the ball on the floor. 5) Yvan - Gives us a rebound presence. The double-double games shows us some potential. Should get better at offense and FT. We should have a strong bench. I am not sure who is coming back though. I do think we will have everything covered as far as ball handlers,bigs and wings.
  12. I definitely tip my hat to Thor. I was critical of his shooting form last summer and he has made me eat crow when he got his opportunities. Salute! I have to say I am impressed with Hoiberg and his staff as well. They recognized that Thor was a good fit last spring. I never would of got that right. Salute again! I think Cross shoots too much. I think if I criticize him, he will do well because Karma hates me and I will never win the lottery. Oh yeah the coaches suck too despite what I said earlier and I will never meet a gorgeous girl with a bass boat who will throw herself at me because I am a dimwitt. And we can't hit freethrows!
  13. Sooo...... Mack,Green,Easley Banton,Burke Allen,Thor,Arop Stevenson,Cross,Mayen Walker,Yvan I need to stop...
  14. I rooted for Sek. I always thought Doc was too hard on him. I like Doc but don't necessarily thing Doc's coaching style was good for Sek
  15. To your point Norm, this is something that I have heard about as a golf technique. You practice your shot in your mind and take a couple of practice swings while visualing the results. Then when you step up to do it you empty your mind and rely on muscle memory. Also, I think it shows he's been shooting a lot of treys in off-season/practice and seeing the ball go in which breeds confidence. Also think he launching the ball earlier in his jump so it's closer to a set shot. So really he's using more legs than arms. He's got his elbow in line which is key too. Definitely tip the hat to him for that. I think Kavas and Green are struggling and it's all mental. Especially Kavas! I do have one theory but not sure if it's worth anything. It could be Kavas was dialed in to the old 3-pt line and he hasn't been able to adjust to the difference. I money is on mental though , he is rushing due to facing better competition,bigger crowds and TV. Just needs to see the ball go in and get confident. Trouble is we are deep into the season.
  16. I think it was Coach Miles who said players are what they can guard. Personally, I think Mayen lacks the lateral quickness to guard a 2. He can match up better 3's but IMHO he's a closer match to 4. Just my opinion.
  17. I think the coaches have done a really good job of extending minutes for those players that are playing well in a game. I think they have done an adequate job for determining who is to play. Kavas and Green are both talented players that have a good history that are struggling with shot %. Coach H has given them a reasonable chance to break through this mental hurdle but if the guys behind you are performing than it's time to reallocate roles.
  18. Totally agree. Best thing about Thor's game is his off the ball movement which plays well with Mack's passing vision.
  19. I love to eat crow now. It's delicious. Thor is actually the thunder God raining threeee's. Good point distribution. I think they must work 90% offense vs 10% defense in practice.
  20. I think this is a very good assessment. The Walt comparison is a good comp I think. I am not quite as impressed with his ball handling although I understand what folks are saying. I think it's good for H.S and juco but I would rather not see him do a lot of dribbling against D1 unless he is going downhill to the basket. Not saying it's bad just that it's a little loose&high for D1. I think his handles are somewhat like Crosses so would say they are good for a 4 but not so much for a 3? Is that fair? Also think he is primarily a 4 and don't want him to guard too many smaller quicker wings due to the lateral quickness. Quality player.
  21. Roster looks pretty good for next year. Depth at all 5 spots and players that can play multiple positions. I think it might behoove Akol to RS. 5 = Yvan,Cross,Walker 4 = Stevenson,Mayen,Arop 3 = Allen Banton 2 = Burke Thor 1 = Cam Green
  22. Maric was awesome. This decades team lacks an all-star first team frontline brusier. That defines the last 10 years. It's not short on wings though. I like Copeland as a first team PF and tempted to put Jeter in over Watson. I suppose I'd have to slide Roby to center. Shields would be the famed 6th man.
  23. I'm just joking!
  24. Great. Now I gotta flip my lineup Green, Mack Banton, Burke, Arop,Allen,Thor Stevenson,Cross Walker,Yvan
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