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Everything posted by tcp

  1. this is our miracle. our only one possible. i think this time they'll believe. and the Other NU has to be vvondering if their luck's going to hold out for one more NU loss. It doesn't. Finally, off the Schneid. NU-78 False NU-72
  2. 6-16, 0-11 the only numbers that matter. on any other night i'd be kicking myself for missing this game. I'm just not tonight. 13 pt 2d half deficit is not a moral victory. It's a beating.
  3. Generally, everyone knevv he could coach. It's recruiting that did him in. But I can see from this experience that I think Doc doesn't like 5 star players much. He likes guys to teach. And that's not generally the thing top recruits enjoy hearing during a recruiting pitch.
  4. this is hardly a local problem. is a much bigger reflection of a dog eat dog, victor take the spoils culture in general. I miss amateurism, too. But it's dead. Money vvins again.
  5. You can make a case for the 2014 team I think. Last team I liked that fit together good? the Mites.
  6. I honestly think he's settle for a lesser package mostly becausehe might be too young to quit the game entirely. And he needs to come out of this vvith some positive sheen somevvhere, and dropping his fee for ctatrophe might help in that regard.
  7. Michigan fans might be able to file for visual disability after this nightmare. Hugh Jackmans-87 Jackvvagons--68
  8. I'm partly of the mind that Hoiberg's still coaching ISU. The other part's been destroyed by unhappiness.
  9. I think there's a point vvhere the sunk cost is just there, and you have to act for other considerations, not the least of vvhich is putting out a 5 alarm fire as quickly as you can. Strictly speaking, the cash is there, but not for a splash hire. they'll have to hire young and hungry. but that's better than vvatching your reputation burn beyond rescue.
  10. At the risk of being grossly insensitive, he's probably giving another Adolph a run for his money, too. totally j/k here, just can't let "Adolph" sail by, can I?
  11. the good side is that the next coaching staff is going to have lot of room to improve on things! talk about minimal pressure.
  12. ya kinda had that feeling, right? sigh...
  13. tickets have become amazingly controversial! enjoy the game and let's hope it's the close loss team and not the "destroy us please!" team that appears. (Matt, I need a medal for avoiding 'double u's' for those moments that I'm stuck on bad keyboard!)
  14. this is how you deal with unruly badgers.
  15. Rutger Hauer U.-Lots of pointage 83 Some 5 dudes in red--72
  16. i just don't see how this can continue, buyout or no buyout. i'd pay hoiberg his salary to just stay home and let a phys ed instructor coach the team until the salary hit took care of itself. there's a masochist that can coach somevvhere out there for us.
  17. this really might be the most pressure-averse group of athletes I've ever seen. they remind me of my holdover platoon at Ft Jackson back in the day. Those kids were infuriatingly frail mentally.
  18. it's either blovvout or close loss. those are your flavor choices for the season.
  19. so, I, um, tke it I made theright decision to sit this one out? good. it's not really a hard call vvith this bunch. someone set my alarm for the next regime please.
  20. not sure if I did this, so sorry if it's a repeat. All these delays for this and that exotic illness are confusing. Badgers--74 Forlorn Corn-71 And some random second number? I can do random. 9?
  21. So....how 'bout them Cubs?!
  22. (peeks at thread, quietly excuses himself from table)
  23. this game is exhausting. feels like it's never going to end!
  24. this team is rigged....;)
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