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Everything posted by hskr4life

  1. Two numbers stick out to me here… Mast at the stripe and from downtown both have to be above average for guys who played mostly the 5 right? Allick from deep surprised me a lot. Really picked his moments later in the season and was shooting with some confidence.
  2. You can also show them highlights of CJ Wilcher in Jan/early Feb… or JLaw when he went to the bench. For our team especially, starting does not equal “the most” playing time.
  3. We haven’t lost any of the core 4 and I honestly felt he was more likely to leave than Rice. Would not have been upset if either stayed though. Hope he can go somewhere and crush it his last year.
  4. We’ve now had 3 games lost to weather. Is there a chance we try and add a mid-week somewhere?
  5. Not sure “I’d prefer he move on” is the right phrase you’re looking for here. If he has a chance and wants to explore it by all means he should. No one is planning on him being here next year. However, preferring he not be here is wild.
  6. Hopefully they hit the transfer portal early.
  7. Would be a national sports story if granted.
  8. “Come to a Sweet 16 practice and have a peek” is certainly something we can’t offer.
  9. Losing Rice hurts quite a bit. That’s a tough blow.
  10. There's no date on the practice film, so recent could mean a variety of things. However, he looks pretty good in that film. Shooting, driving, pull-up. There was nothing on the D end that I saw in the film shared. So there is that tid-bit. Maybe this was film from early early in the season?
  11. Weird week in the Big 10. Indiana went 1-2 against an Illinois team that was... not good... coming in. Maryland took 2 of 3 from MSU... but had to have extra innings to capture the two wins.
  12. Tuesday's game is a big one. Good chance to pick up a Q1 win and we usually get a good crowd in MHK.
  13. I was pretty impressed with his drive and finish game in some of his Sr. Highlight vids.
  14. Iowa and Indiana both respond with W’s in close games. Maryland loses.
  15. Hopefully this is positive news on Juwan
  16. It’s like losing a family. A family that will never be the same again. Not losing them to death. But losing the fact that you’ll never play together as a group again. Never (most likely) be all in the same place at once again. You lose them as everyone goes their separate ways. And you’ll always have the nagging sense that you left things unfinished. And that’s the hardest part. You know the guys are feeling the burden of still not winning that first game.
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