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Everything posted by hskr4life

  1. We've been where IU is at. Lot of confidence coming into a Big B1G tournament game and you're just totally deflated.
  2. You've got a 5* post who is the tallest guy on the floor. Your pick and roll game is almost an automatic dunk. Definitely pass it around the perimeter.
  3. IDK who on IU's staff needs to hear this, but the cross court pass to a "wide open" guy isn't exactly working tonight.
  4. J Law is the 6th man of the year if he had come off the bench the entire year.
  5. Xavier Johnson is really fast and couldn't finish a drive to save his life.
  6. Sloppy out of that TO--... It's nice to be like "guys, let's not dink around here and let them back in it" and ALSO be up 20.
  7. I'm almost 99% certain that's the 2nd time this year THAT SAME REF came in to overturn a call and got it wrong.
  8. Color me.... impressed. This was a HOT HOT IU team.
  9. 39-21 if we don't foul those two three point shooters.
  10. Two fouls on two way off threes have resulted in 6 IU points. That's a killer.
  11. No... but that older camera man is going to be hurting.
  12. Spotted an Illinois and Purdue jacket/shirt/jersey both standing and cheering when KT hit the step back 2.
  13. My guy in the black jacket sitting courtside just fired an arrow into the rafters. We're so winning this.
  14. I feel like if you have to go to the monitor for something (like shot clock) and see a clear and obvious mistake, you should be able to correct
  15. Indiana is pretty lucky to be at 10 right now. Near TO turned into a 3 and they've hit a few tough tough shots inside.
  16. Also 12-4 in 4+ days. So as long as we avoid Dayton, we can make it to Sunday and still be ok!
  17. Personal feel here. We’re a mid 8. Win tonight and I could see us as the top 8 or low 7. Win two and definitely a 7. Lose tonight and I could see an 8 or 9.
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