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Red Rum

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Everything posted by Red Rum

  1. Nebrasketball - 84 Sac State - 56 Wins - 9
  2. Well that's a solid endorsement if I've ever heard one. I might have to start listening.
  3. My main takeaway from last nights game was #34 for Chadron State had his shorts on backwards. We talked to one of the assists, apparently he always does. I'll reserve my thoughts on the team until at least the end of next week. But I can really see myself liking this team. Laypersons, laypeople, whatever a fancy word for casual fans is, might not see it until next year but the potential is there to be a really solid group. (I guess I'm not reserving my thoughts afterall)
  4. These were my two main takeaways from the scrimmage. As long as it wasn't the fool's gold of being very familiar with the opponent because they've been playing/practicing against each other so much they know the tenancies. Just like I've told everyone else that's asked if Nebraska will be good this year, I'll reserve judgement until after I see them play against someone else. But I am very encouraged. Not that I'm not always very encouraged this time of year...
  5. I got mine early this week/late last week.
  6. http://www.omaha.com/huskers/mens-basketball/huskers-making-progress-in-drills-injured-trio-catching-up-says/article_e9b18327-f3dd-593d-ab85-3c4b8238f9eb.html
  7. Mine seems to like to keep scrolling on thread that has a link to a twitter post. Its only 4 pm on a Monday so I'm pretty sure I'm not drunk yet. Like it keeps expanding the post with the link in it. A little hard to explain because I'm getting dizzy trying to read moving text.
  8. If Watson does have a breakout year, will you start to spell his name correctly? I'll consider it.
  9. I'd say either Jack or Ed. They were the ones that underperformed more than Glenn and MJ. I feel Ed and Jack have higher ceilings at this point, then MJ and then Glenn. But I'm ok being wrong if Glenn wants to just go off.
  10. I think we lack experience solely in that we're loaded with sophomores. But they did play an awful lot of basketball last year. And that's the core of this team is the sophomores. I can see why people are having a hard time seeing where Nebrasketball is going to get scoring because we're so used to seeing 1-2 guys get all the points. I don't think we'll see a lot of hero ball this year. The best thing they can do is to buy into that ball movement and driving and dishing are going to be the main ways they're going to put the ball in the hoop. And that kind of excites me. Not knowing who's going to get hot (hopefully someone does each game.) At least that's what I hope is the case. I could be wrong. It's been know to happen from time to time.
  11. Ya I see Morrow as more of a 5 too. I'd say start Ed, MJ, Glenn, Tai and Gill, but then who's the spark off the bench... Whatever they don't pay me to make these decisions. Heck, they don't pay me at all....bastards....
  12. I think the difference between him and ed is that isaiah needs the extra muscle not so sure ed did lol.Sent from my LGUS992 using Tapatalk Ed had never lifted a weight before stepping foot on campus. All the muscle he has came after high school. Dude's just a physical freak like that. All my weight came after high school too. I don't think I did it the same that Ed did though.... 12 oz curls? Or 40? Well you should start off with 12 oz curls first before you move up to 16 oz and 24 oz and maybe 40 oz if you're feeling good. #curlsforthegirls
  13. Someone doesn't have a very rosy outlook on this season... http://collegebasketball.nbcsports.com/2016/09/28/2016-17-season-preview-programs-on-the-rise-decline/
  14. I think the difference between him and ed is that isaiah needs the extra muscle not so sure ed did lol.Sent from my LGUS992 using Tapatalk Ed had never lifted a weight before stepping foot on campus. All the muscle he has came after high school. Dude's just a physical freak like that. All my weight came after high school too. I don't think I did it the same that Ed did though....
  15. Looks like they are pretty identical.
  16. They really need to quit putting out all these videos....it's freaking killing me. I WANT MY NEBRASKETBALL RIGHT!
  17. Nice job of framing that NCAA tournament banner in the photo
  18. Dude that article kinda really got me pumped up for Nebrasketball.
  19. Hey quit stealing Handy's bit...lol
  20. Seems like this weekend's game is about more than just football? http://www.oregonlive.com/sports/oregonian/john_canzano/index.ssf/2016/09/post_83.html#incart_2box_sports_oregonian_john_canzano http://www.omaha.com/huskers/football/shatel-for-nike-s-phil-knight-nebraska-is-one-that/article_c6846546-2ba1-5f0f-b8bc-3e857619627f.html
  21. I love that these unis are back!! I saw the team picture on snapchat and they were wearing them. I agree. My favorite unis so far.
  22. Did it look like this? Nick Fuller: Senior I'm looking forward to this being a thing now.
  23. Extremely quick release. Seems to have good touch. Shoots well off the dribble. Has a nice floater. Appears to have good range. Should be able to create his own shot at the next level but also looks like a good facilitator. Doesn't get much jump into the jumper but it's a compact motion on the shot that should be very repeatable. Sneaky athletic. Saw a vid of him dunking quite easily multiple times. That's the Normy seal of approval. Also, it appears that he has relatively hair-free legs, so that's two big checkmarks in the "do want" box. Anybody have any thoughts on the way his knees bend? What color is his basement and/or what kind of memorabilia does he have? Too deep off a call back?
  24. I particularly am excited to see what they do with Morrow in a pick and role situation. Last year it seemed like Tai and Glenn were the only ones that would actually look for the big man on the pick and roll. It could be a serious weapon for Nebrasketball much like the TP/Walt pick and pop was a few years ago.
  25. All you guys trying to get the Red garage must have really tied up the website. It stalled on me twice before I could get my Green garage pass. Next year I'll wait 5 minutes for traffic to die down. Much like I wait a few for post game traffic to die down. I wonder if work will let me have a beer while I wait like I do post game....
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