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HuskerPower #nato73

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Everything posted by HuskerPower #nato73

  1. Our team defense is a strength, our individual defense can at times be a liability. I think we win with Berke and a healthy team as well. Defense is about taking up space and offense is about creating space. With Berke on the perimeter, layups for Gary and others become easier as the help defense isn't there to volleyball spike it like they did last night. I am worried about how quickly we can get healthy as the tougher of the two road games is first and its up quick.
  2. I think Meah would be a great pick up. Something we have not had in a while. Interesting where this site has him ranked: Braxton Meah - NBA Draft Room Scroll down on the right. A rim protector that plays above the rim. They don't grow on trees. Average 8-10 points with 8-10 rebounds, 1-2 blocks and several altered shots. Maybe even defend without requiring a post double all of the time. Let's get him!
  3. I tweeted with Shelby Mast who is the BracketWag guy to make this happen. Totally taking credit for it. I mean Derrick, the Sam's and Keisei get some credit too. It's a more accurate description of our current state!
  4. I think Keisei showed you play and you score when you move with purpose and cut. The ball movement and cutting improved as the game went on. Some was Boston College tiring, but I hope some of it was because they saw it led to buckets. Also helps when our shooting spreads out the defense. Wilcher and Keisei both hitting makes us pretty darn tough.
  5. I think the NIL rules could be what gets us to our goals in basketball. Firstly, I will say that I like the players are finally getting a portion of what they generate but I also think this has the potential to be a total mess. It will make some weird incentives and no organization is strong enough to regulate how it works. I like though that some of the big dawgs are complaining about it. That being said, Nebraska it seems is going to figure this out and figure it out well. We will figure out the way to spend the $ needed because the potential return is so much better for us than say a Colorado or Kansas State or Northwestern for example with our fanbase. A rocking sold out Pinnacle Bank and all the financial benefits that come with that is worth it for the investment. Either that or we will put all our energy into the football program and let basketball stay mediocre.
  6. I empathize a lot with Verge. It's hard to pull up or pass when you know you can get around whomever is guarding you. I used to be this way in intramurals.
  7. I never thought about having a second favorite team. You can do that? I thought I just had to get groin kicked by my one favorite team for the rest of my life.
  8. Um. Win tonight and we are tied with North Carolina. A blue blood!
  9. If it's a 13 bid league we will have a chance.
  10. That's a unique stat. In other unique stats we shot a higher percentage from 3 than the foul line for the second straight game.
  11. Guess I will play until I forget NU 86 Riverside 67 9 Non Con 15 Total
  12. I was told by someone who sees a lot of practice that he was very difficult to guard.
  13. I guarded Erick Strickland in a switch situation in 8th grade, for like a second. He was a man and let's just say I was not. Guarded Vershon Jackson (Football TE) in a charity game once. Not a good matchup for me either!
  14. I would like to know if there will be new Husker Hoop Central Shirts made like when Miles was hired. My wallet is ready.
  15. Strong rally to a new high followed by a pull back with some consolidation. Looks like a buy point to me. :) (Past performance is not a guaranty of future performance plus all other wall street disclaimers)
  16. Agree thrasher, so say: Nothing Congratulate them on the run and reiterate that you will make the decision after the season. Be at the game and congratulate them on the run and schedule a meeting with your coach for Sunday. If it's over, then fire him. If it's not over then Pat Chamber's him (say he will be back) or many many other options better than what he did. I don't get it, just put out some b.s. that makes it look like you care and like most of the rest of the country you admired how they played. Incompetence in my opinion.
  17. I agree. I know people want it faster and i agree with those that say we could be consistently a much stronger program, but as AD I would support a good dude that is filling the place and starting to consistently "knock on the door" of the breakthrough we need for our program. I don't want to spin the mid-major coaching wheel for another build, our cupboard is not bare.
  18. Checked back in on KenPom We are currently 44th. Last year 55th and the NCAA year we were 56th.
  19. Interestingly, Barry Collier is the head of the NIT selection committee this year.
  20. I don't think it is fair to say someone like Palmer was not developed. He came here (as did Petteway) as someone from a major school with not a lot of playing time and statistics. After sitting out a year he had a great year as a junior and helped get us to 13 conference wins. So why the regression? scouting an improved conference, frustration and post Copeland fewer driving lanes. Still Petteway, Palmer and next up is Burke we had a development story to sell transfers. So Miles could not make them NBA players? Palmer was not one to begin with.
  21. I think this more common now in college basketball. The extra pass brings a turnover or charge more into play so if someone is backpedaling you finish over them. I would be curious as to others thinking on this (not that it is the thread topic)
  22. If the players get invited and want to play then play.
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