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A lot of people don't like our team nickname, the Cornhuskers, and positively loath the image of our mascot: a hick in denim with some kind of floppy cowboy hat thing on his head.  (That's a deliberately uncharitable description and not my personal opinion.)


But, for those who cannot stand Herbie Husker, it could be worse.


I offer you as Exhibit A the Bradley Braves.


The words "Bradley" and "Braves" flow together like "Reese's" and "Pieces."


But, because the NCAA has frowned on teams using images or depictions of native Americans as mascots, Bradley had to come up with something ... else.  They can still be "The Bradley Braves" but the "Brave" can't look like an Indian with the war paint and the tomahawk and all that stereotypically Indianish stuff.


So, they went a little different direction.  And by "different" I mean ...





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