Like most, I am hopeful that Tai's visit goes well and he sign his LOI with NU. Based on what I have read, it seems there are at least 5 different scenarios that could play out regarding Tai and his commitment:
1.. Tai could "re-affirm" his verbal commitment to NU and wait until the spring signing period to sign with NU. This would be OK, but still make me nervous b/c a lot can happen/change over the course of the next 4 months.
2. Tai could say he is still verbally committed, but that he wants to "keep his options open" and possibly visit a few other schools before the spring signing period. This obviously would not be a good sign at all.
3. Tai could de-commit and state that he wants to visit other schools. This obviously would be the worst case scenario.
4. Rosenthal intimated that Tai maybe could have signed his LOI a couple of weeks ago and that he could hand deliver to it to Coach Miles. As long as it is delivered within 3 weeks of signing it, then it could still be valid. I have not seen any other source confirm or verify this. This, IMO, would be the second best scenario regarding Tai as we could all know with certainty that he is committed and signed.
5. Which leads me to the 5h, and IMO, best way this could play out. By all reports, Tai has now graduated from HS. Thus, there is no apparent reason why he couldn't enroll in school and start classes in January. Numerous football players have done this and there is no reason a basketball player couldn't also do it. If Tai were to enroll, there would be no need to sign a LOI. Enrolling in classes has the same effect as a LOI, it would commit him to NU and I believe he would have to sit out a year if he later decided to transfer. Plus, enrolling in January would mean he would immediately begin to work with the team and trainers in off-season workouts, lifting, training table, etc. He could practice with the current players in the Hendrix facility, etc. This clearly is the best case scenario and the one I am still holding out hope for.