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Dean Smith

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Everything posted by Dean Smith

  1. The youth may or may not hold Creighton in higher regard. Obviously Mitchell does but he does not represent all of the youth of Omaha.
  2. Not being sarcastic but yes we are pretty sure that the odds are long for him to be an NBA player. The odds are long for anyone to be an NBA player and especially when you are his size. Hey, someone wins the lottery but that doesn't mean the odds of winning aren't still long.
  3. Technically it isn't completely necessary for someone to take fewer shots for Roby to get more shots. You could up the tempo and create more possessions creating more total shots overall. I hope that wasn't too obvious a fact to point out.
  4. I never said your stats were incompetent. I'm not sure how numbers can be incompetent. I said it appeared you were implying the staff was incompetent by saying they didn't already know that. Basketball is coached and played by people, not machines. You can't control every little thing and there is more to it than simple numbers. I agree that some of Watson's shots were forced but part of the reason he took more shots than Roby was Roby's fault. He had an unwillingness to impress his will on the game. He simply wasn't aggressive enough. It's not his personality but that's something I'm sure everyone involved is working on. Another reason is Watson took shots in transition that he made his sophomore year that he did not finish last year. We want him to take those this coming season but he needs to finish at a higher rate. As well being a primary ball handler Watson had the ball in his hands near the end of the shot clock way more than Roby did leading to tougher shots that also affected his shooting percentage in a negative way. Basketball is more complicated than simple numbers. Though I agree with the general premise that Roby needs to shoot more this coming season it can't be done simply by saying Roby and Watson will swap their number of shots.
  5. I'm pretty sure the staff and team are well aware of who shoots how many and how well. They are not incompetent. You'd be hard-pressed to find a junior high coach that did not know those type of statistics.
  6. If Burke was eligible he would play and lots.
  7. Two things: Sports Illustrated did a great article on Jordan's high school coach. It did not end well for him due to a mental illness. The real story was Jordan did not get cut from the team his sophomore year. The varsity had made it to state the year before and had 8 guards coming back include Michael's older brother. There was one slot left on a varsity that had 10 seniors on the team and the coach went with another 6'7 sophomore because the team had no one else taller than 6'3. That player went on to play professionally in Europe so he was no slouch. The coach felt that a 5'10, physically weak at the time Michael wouldn't get off the bench and it would do him more good to get lots of playing time on the JV where he ended up having a great season. The article is definitely worth the read if you have the time: https://www.si.com/vault/2012/01/16/106149626/did-this-man-really-cut-michael-jordan Second, I realize soccer seems to push some people's buttons on this board but they have addressed the early birthday issue for some time now. The national team's feeder system is the state Olympic Development Program teams from each state. Their research showed the same thing about the early birthdays dominating team selection and they felt they were missing out on some very skilled players that just weren't as physically developed yet. They went to creating two teams per state. An older team with birthdays Jan-June and a younger team made up of players with birthdays July-December. In this way, they are giving those younger players the same opportunity as the older, more physical at this time players. They are now going one step further. I'm not sure how it works but they are piloting a new system starting in California and then planning to go nation-wide. They still have teams designated Under 10, Under 11, etc. but through some scientific measurements, they are no longer using chronological age but are determining biological age. So everyone in that division whether they be 10, 11, 12 or whatever age will be of the same physical maturity and the true "best" players will be allowed to shine through. It would obviously be more effort than going with a chronological age but I applaud the effort to bring out the best players.
  8. Or Brandon Ubel to some extent.
  9. And... I think 5 on 5 all three of those teams have more talent than this years team. Maybe (I hope) time will show that this coming year's team was the best ever, but again I think you might be setting expectations a little high and under-appreciating the level of Tony Farmer, Rich King and Verson Hamilton
  10. 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94
  11. 1990-91: Tony Farmer, Rich King, Eric Piatkowski 1993-94: Eric Piatkowski, Eric Strickland, Mikki Moore 1995-96: Tryon Lue, Eric Strickland, Mikki Moore
  12. I wish for the best for all Huskers but Kaminsky was the 9th overall pick in the NBA draft. To even mention Frank Kaminsky in this conversation is really unfair to Heiman by setting standards that he cannot hope to meet. He can have a hugely successful career here and not touch Kaminsky which I think is the best case scenario for him.
  13. Boogie is now a Warrior. Did not see that coming.
  14. I will be shocked if Ball is still there at the start of the season. Playing styles don’t mesh well, Ball can’t shoot and Bron is not going to put up with listening to the father after every game.
  15. I disagree about the Magic thing. He has some long-term strategy that has been in the works for awhile and we are seeing it start to play out. They get another max salary next year and until then it will be very difficult for them to create enough space for any more stars. Ball needs to go to maximize James but you would have to pretty much get rid of all their young players to make something work for next year. If that happens I'll agree with you Magic statement because that would be very short-sighted.
  16. Yes but not next year. He signed a 4 year contract which is basically admitting it will take them some time to put a championship team together.
  17. No, what I meant to say is I hope Jordy shows the ambition and consistency to develops a consistent post game.
  18. The wealthiest people in your neighborhood might be wealthy in comparison to the rest of us but they aren’t really wealthy in the big picture. I suppose you might see Warren Buffet somewhere in Omaha but you and I don’t get to go anywhere near where the 1% lives and hangs out. The real wealth in this country is inherited and that doesn’t take that much ambition.
  19. He tells them I played D1 basketball. Studies have also show when most other things are equal, taller people get the job.
  20. You use the word “probably.” Science doesn’t work with probablies. Trying to measure ambition and it’s effects on society would be something a sociologist would try to study, which was my point to begin with. It is a very useful field. Many in law enforcement have sociology degrees. If more did we might avoid much of the events that land them on the local news. College puts people in close contact with others of the same age and interests that makes marriage more likely. Opposites may attract but they rarely get married and if the do, it is even rarer that they stay married. Money is a large factor in people getting and even more important in staying married. Lack of ambition (which we could debate what is meant by ambition as well) is surely a large factor in people not going to or graduating college but it is not the most important. I can find the study if you need me to but the number one factor in if you go to college, what type of college you go to and do you graduate is parents income. The US is at the bottom of economic mobility when looking at developed nations. It is possible to move up but ambition and hard work is no guarantee of that happening. I will concede that lack of ambition and hard work is a pretty good guarantee of it not happening. The American Dream is alive but it’s in Denmark now.
  21. It wasn’t meant to be an insult. Your comment reminded me of Veblen. He wasn’t a fan of the gilded age version of capitalism but disagrees with Marx on many points.
  22. He was Norwegian. He’s dead now and he thought sports were an example of conspicuous leasure and should be ended. Nothing but the practical was worth doing or preserving.
  23. Thorstein Veblen would appreciate your sense of practicality.
  24. I used to come to this site to find out about potential new signings for Nebrasketball. Now it’s my go to for all my financial advice.
  25. About what aspect? All the statistics belay your assertion that college doesn't provide as many advantages as it used to. The data shows it is more important today then it had been in the past. And there is empirical data including many universities openly stating that the reduced government support directly lead to the rising cost of tuition and fees.
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