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Everything posted by colhusker

  1. Can't speak for others but outside of UCONN fans and the other 3 also rans, don't see how there can be much interest given the outcome is already known.
  2. She would pout once and would be told to find a spot at the end of the bench.
  3. I have press pass envy!
  4. I think he hit the nail on the head with your first thought. She has been good despite being out of shape while in Lincoln. To play elsewhere (schools you mentioned) she would have to dedicate herself to get into shape if she wants big minutes.
  5. Would she play at UCONN?
  6. Both games yesterday were fun
  7. I've not heard him speak! (ducking and running)
  8. Kid shot better than several of those 4 McDonald's AA's yesterday. That said, you are spot on, 100% correct with your assessment.
  9. Would you please for the love of all that is good with college basketball stop using facts to make your point.
  10. Given their track record that was probably smarter than picking them to go to final four.
  11. Think I jinxed them.
  12. How is Beilein not coach of the year? I mean it was amazing with the lack of talent he has. (yes sarcasm)
  13. Yep I knew that, live where he grew up in Missouri and know the story. However, instead of playing at the large high school here in town he played at the small Catholic school against much lesser talent. I think he will be very good at the next level. However, the Missouri fans who are clamoring about getting to final four next year are silly.
  14. Wisconsin should have put someone at half court to make the ballhandler change direction. Was shocked they moved him down to back court.
  15. One playing against Div 1 college players one against, well
  16. I don't want to take anything away from Porter either and I don't know what level competition he played against this last year in High School. I do know the large numbers in High School in Missouri were put up against what would be about Class C level talent in Nebraska (i.e., Bill Jackman getting 30 a game while in high school). Bill if you're here that is not a a slam against you, you just were way better than the level of talent you were playing against.
  17. I need Kansas to lose so I can get back into things. I thought Duke looked like they were going to go on one of their end of the years, errrr WRONG
  18. Anyone see Kansas losing?
  19. I want to see that stats he used to come up with his correlation (sorry science geek in me). I just have a hard time believing a guy standing wide open that can step into his shot makes just as many as a guy who has someone in his face or closing out quickly.
  20. With instant playing time, I'd like to think at some point someone will say yes.
  21. Oh I know they had a better record this year. But guessing their record this year would have been much less impressive playing our schedule is all I am saying. That said, the kid fits a need.
  22. Yeah pretty bad when something called Illinois State talks smack about us.
  23. Surprised he is not there already.
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