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Everything posted by colhusker

  1. I agree, he gets to that point look out.
  2. I have held off the man love for Jackson for just this fact. Stick him with a sub-500 team with no superstar and lets see how he does.
  3. Think it had more to do with what the suits wanted
  4. Given the shooting percentage so nights, I think he took a lot of the shots too.
  5. If we could stick a Jerry Fort or Stu Lantz on this team and look out.
  6. This has gotten the week off to a great start! This is the kind of news that makes coming back online fun.
  7. Been off the grid for a couple days in north central Nebraska. May need to go off the grid more often. Great news!!
  8. That makes me feel much better! Thank you
  9. Only "experts" I heard, and please keep in mind I only heard it because my son-in-law had ESPN on before Game 1 because I don't watch the NBA anymore, said the Cavs in 4 or 5.
  10. Grant Gibbs always reminded me of Korver, just not as talented and more of a thug.
  11. When you come to the fork in the road, take it!' - Yogi Berra - my favorite and it could be used for transfers
  12. Jacobson reminded me a lot of Greg Church who played for Missouri (for the old timers here). Just a guy that brings his lunch pail to work and does his job.
  13. Jack was vital this past year to bench skits after a made 3
  14. Can't argue with the part of the article that you posted. However, when you do well, aren't you suppose to get rewarded? All the doom and gloom that has been Nebrasketball over my life time in the off season seems to have missed us this year (knock on wood) at least to now.
  15. Now THAT was funny
  16. I think Turner is a good fit for Liberty. If what I was told by a former KU player (not under Gill) is true, some of the rules Turner was trying to enforce will be much easier at Liberty.
  17. Hopefully Ed can get healthy.
  18. Lue may in fact be a great coach, but right now he looks great due to James, Love and the rest of the crew. I would have loved to see what Phil Jackson would have done if he didn't have the teams he did. Not hard to coach when at the end of the game you need a basket and you can say, give the ball to Jordan or James.
  19. Just one, Lunardi is giving the others to the SEC
  20. Well, unless Misery has a few folks step up big time, without the Porter brothers they will struggle. Not saying it won't happen but they lost a lot of talent from last year.
  21. I am all for this, and traveling and palming and all the other rules that officials have gotten to lazy to call OR been told they will not work by coaches (true story at high school level) if they call them.
  22. She could be one of the best before she leaves.
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