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  1. Who is likely set to sign or will Fred wait to announce the entire class at once.
  2. From my recollection Tim Floyd would be a homerun hire for the Defensive Specialist Asst. Coach.
  3. My brother and I got season tickets when PBA openned Tim provided great entertainment for those six years. Thanks Coach Miles all the best to you and your family. Always a Husker.
  4. Once upon a time Moe Iba 69 Day by day Tim Miles 70
  5. Goodbyes can be difficult
  6. Pinnacle Bank Arena Huskers 83 Hinkle Fieldhouse Bulldogs 69 Two wins
  7. That was told to us by whom?
  8. Redemptive Suffering is a cornerstone of our faith You've likely heard the phrase ' offer it up'. The Catholic version of grin and bear it. In short I hope Hoiberg is a good evangelical. GBR and PTL!
  9. Did he force Moos' hand to make a statement at the worst time for Moos and the Atletic Department but at the most strategic time to emote support for Tim after a nice three game uptick. Perhaps Moos had told Tim that at the end of the season he would make an announcement 45 minutes after Tim's post game press conference. It's up for interpretation what would mark the end of the season in this case. As you said Tim is not stupid. In fact he is quite clever.
  10. Also Tim announced that Moos would be releasing a statement strikes me as a little manipulation on Tim's part.
  11. I was very impressed by his ball handling skills and passing. I don't know what his three point shot percentage is for the season but he has nice form
  12. I would be curious how many times our staff watched him play. Looked capable yesterday in the semifials.
  13. Ty Lue on March 18th. Bonus he hires his cousin Cookie Belcher on his staff.
  14. Absolutely my recollection. Iba had a bigger role than just assistant coach and why would you think Cip should have stopped it?
  15. I also recall Iba screaming Siegel on every other possession
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